We have to knock on Papa’s head sometimes to bring him back to reality. He could be such a blur case that he only cares about his look, his tummy, his sleep and where he would be going out later. Nothing else matters to him. We could anytime recognize Daddy’sRead More →

Someone has been spreading rumours that there is a kitty even more handsome and man than me. What? This orange kitty with black stripes? How could he be? He is so inactive and sat there all day long doing nothing but staring at the walls. What a SOFT kitty heRead More →

Justin discovered that there is an alien out there. It is going to kitnap us and sell us to the flea market. What? Flea market? We had enough of flea problems here before and I do not want it happen again. Hey Justin! Cut that part! Nobody is going toRead More →

Daddy has gone outstation to attend a seminar this afternoon. He would not be around for a few days. What should we do? Haha… We would take over the house… take over the computer and… Janice: How are we to have a party when the babysitter is around? We areRead More →

Can you still remember the outcry for justice against animal abuse when someone posted up a video in YouTube of the army personnel throwing a baby woofy into a ravine? They denied the fact that it was a real puppy but a toy dog. I just could not believe thatRead More →

Two months ago, Jess had her first experience in giving birth. It was also my first time in watching kittens being born into this world up so close. It was a wonderful experience to help out a cat and be prepared in case there were complications during the delivery. PriorRead More →

Hi! My name is Jeremy, the newest member of the J Family. I am going to host today since I am the hyperactive one around while the rest are still busy snoring away. The weather has been cold and wet for the past one week. Even Papa Jon has notRead More →