The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday.
Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover. I just couldn’t believe that my babies are already two months old today. I could still remember the day I helped Mama Jess with her first labor. Janice came out first, followed by Jayson and Justin in about an hour of interval each. Can you believe that such tiny babies have grown up to be such pretty and handsome kittens? I could still remember the first few hours of their births. They were as cute ever since.
Janice has grown to be prettier each day. The marking on her body has emerged to be quite clear now. She is quite identical to her Papa Jon except for her face which looks very pathetic most of the time. She is the cutest of the pack now. She will always sleep on my palms by just a few strokes on her chin.
Jayson on the other hand is the one with the best personality. He will stay calm and well behaved even though the rest of the packs are in a hyperactive mode. He has grown thinner compared to the chubby look he has when he was a few weeks old. His eyes are real electrifying and most of the time he would love to sleep on my lap. He is the favorite of Mama Jess.
Justin is the cheekiest of the whole pack. He will climb up practically anywhere he could get his paws on… even ladders. He hardly sleeps until he gets too tired of fooling around the house. Being the youngest of the pack, he still chase after Mama Jess for milk. Most of the time, Mama Jess will try to hide somewhere higher to avoid meeting him.
What the lovely adorable kitties~!!!!! Oah My Godsh!!!!!!!
Oah I want to hug them so much!!!
Wow they are becoming teenagers ! Be careful troubles begin ! lol !
What cute kitties !
Thanks for Lisa, I think it must be a psychological problem because physically she is OK. And there is no problem here to go out. We have a catflap and all cats can go out or come in whenever they want.
Sleep well, lol !
Oh they are so cute ! It remembers me so much to Luzies babies.
When they are two month they can climb and they can jump and run around and they can do a lot of trouble, but they also can be cuties.
Have fun with the kitties !
Happy Tuesday!
Time flies! Two months already. They are at a very fun age and into everything I bet. I can still remember my babies at that age. They would play for hours it seemed and then crash into a deep nap.
Your kitties are all so sweet and I know you love them so much. Adorable pictures…as you always have! Have a great COT!
Mom saws “awwwww”. So much cuteness!!
She’s remembering when she got Gandalf, brother BooBoo and Sister Sarah from the vets at 3 weeks old. Can you believe that someone just put us cute kittens in a box in front of a vets office? Mom kept Gandalf. BooBoo & Sarah went to Uncle’s house with Cosmo Kitty (& now Tucker too).
To anwwer your question, BooBoo & Cosmo eat too much!! Too much dry & too much wet & too much temptations. Their Mom opens a can whenever they Meow at her. BooBoo weighs about 6 pounds more than Gandalf! They have both just been put on a diet.
I want another kitten!
After looking at your post
I have the urge to go get
one but I think, I might
get into trouble with the
family. They are sooooo
Your comment on Daisy Dukes,
she is a chow girl, always
first to the food bowl!
They are very adorable! I think my favorite is Janice. But please do not tell Jayson and Justin!