This week’s theme is on FURRY.Somehow there is one FURRY four-legged thing in my housethat has been giving me lots of doubt over his innocence.If you had watch the FURRY Puss-in-the-Boots in Shrek,you can imagine how pretentious and pathetic look that cat has.Jeremy behaved exactly like that FURRY Puss-in-the-Boots.Now whoRead More →

This week’s theme is on CHIPPED.Born as a stray, Mama Jessica had a bad experiencewhen she was barely seven months old…She had a terrifying moment when she was attackedby the neighborhood Mafia…The result… a CHIPPED fang!! Just about a week ago, Justin had the same experience.He was attacked by theRead More →

This week’s theme is on HAT(S).Here is one of the main reasons why a ladyWOULD NOT WEAR a HAT on some occasions.Since Jimmy had not encountered such incidentbefore in his life, he found out the reasonwhen he wanted to borrow Joey’s HAT.It was kind of funny then… Haha!! THANK YOURead More →

This week’s theme is on AFTERMATH.You should have read about the AFTERMATHof all the havocs the J Kitties had created in myTHUNDERSTORMS AND TORNADOS post earlier.Towards the end of the day, all of them wouldgive me that innocent looks on their faces. This was the AFTERMATH of my ball ofRead More →

The weather these few days has been rather gloomy and wet towards the late afternoon. Not only was I stuck indoor most of the time, so were the J Kitties. I thought the weather was already bad outdoor but eventually it was even worst inside the house. The whole placeRead More →

(A lengthy but worth reading post on the J Family Kitties) It all started with a pair of brother and sister, Papa Jonathan and Mama Jessica, both were born on 21 March 2007 along the street of my neighborhood. Subsequently, the pair followed me home on the night of 9Read More →

This week’s theme is on SQUEAKY.Jeremy heard some SQUEAKY noisecoming out from a holeon Christmas eve anddecided to check it out… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!Read More →

I think something is not right with the international connection these few days as I had problems browsing through some of the international sites. Even trying to browse through Yahoo was like waiting for ages. The last I heard was some cable problem linking this continent to the US sites.Read More →

The world has become a better place for pets as more and more items are created for the best of the animals. There was this wonderful news that had appeared in our local daily today on Ernest, the first ever known cat to be given the gift to look atRead More →

This week’s theme is on WIDE.Jeremy is one cat in the J Family Kittiesthat like to exaggerate on everything.He once told everyone that he had caughta big fish and it was more than a foot WIDE. No one believed in him as the biggest fishin the house was only oneRead More →