Thanks to everyone who had came in here to give us some comfort. I appreciate it a lot. The day went by rather hectic with me spending practically the whole day with Joey at the vet trying to get her all fixed up. It was indeed a terrible experience forRead More →

This week’s theme is on THANKFUL.There are so many things I’m THANKFUL for in lifebut the major one would be to be ableto be surrounded by great friendsthroughout the journey of my life…I just wonder what my catswould be THANKFUL for…Note: Some did ask me how many… 9 happy JRead More →

This week’s theme is on BRIDGE(S).When you talk about BRIDGE(S), most people wouldjust think of a structure connecting two sides.I thought of taking the J Kitties for a BRIDGE tripbut decided against it as it would be too dangerous.Any one of them might go for a bungee jump. 😛In theRead More →

This week’s theme is on HAT(S).Here is one of the main reasons why a ladyWOULD NOT WEAR a HAT on some occasions.Since Jimmy had not encountered such incidentbefore in his life, he found out the reasonwhen he wanted to borrow Joey’s HAT.It was kind of funny then… Haha!! THANK YOURead More →

This week’s theme is on AFTERMATH.You should have read about the AFTERMATHof all the havocs the J Kitties had created in myTHUNDERSTORMS AND TORNADOS post earlier.Towards the end of the day, all of them wouldgive me that innocent looks on their faces. This was the AFTERMATH of my ball ofRead More →

Christmas is just by the corner and so is the welcoming of 2009. It has been a busy year for me and the J Family Kitties as we could hardly find time to visit many for the past few weeks. I hope everyone would have a great time for theRead More →

I thought I could have more time to rest but things did not work out as I would have expected. Instead of some good and peaceful night sleep daily, I would be waken up at 6.00am punctually every morning, only to meet the demands of a few hungry creatures inRead More →

This week’s theme is on BREAKFAST.Things has been quite chaotic for the past week untilI did not manage to have an early BREAKFAST.Luckily, both Jayson and Mama Jessicahad recovered and well now.I just wish my cuties won’t keep on waking me upat 6.00am daily for BREAKFAST…Sweat~ Sweat~ Sweat~ THANK YOURead More →

This week’s theme is on METAL.Jimmy is on a food craze after theThanksgiving dinner we had yesterday.I’m beginning to get worried nowif he’s planning to stay on thatMETAL plate until Christmas… I think TN Chick overlooked the repetitionof this theme this week.We had one on 22 March 2008.You can watchRead More →