This week’s theme is LOW.There are so many definitions for the word “LOW”and I think I practically covered some of them here.In this house, there’s never a LOW supply of foodto feed the growing “kids”.You would see what I meant down here…when hunger strikes!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME ANDRead More →

This week’s theme is UTENSILS.Having many kitchen UTENSILS around can be usefulif you are a good cook with enough of knowledgeto detect what’s right and wrong.If I were to be a beginner,Jimmy would have had the worst nightmare of his life… Disclaimer: No cats are directly or indirectly harmed duringRead More →

Every second, every minute, every hour, every day and every month for the last one year had brought back many fond memories. They were so small when they first came into this world and they had given me lots of happiness and headaches (which kitten won’t create havoc at homeRead More →

This week’s theme is CREAMY.I might be feeling rather blue these few weeksbut there’s something CREAMY that I would not forgetespecially on such a memorable occasion… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.Thank youRead More →

With a household of nine fast growing up cats, there would always be endless streams of breakages, health issues and vet bills. What more when there are so many innocent strays around my neighborhood which at times would have some emergency issues. I must admit that I have the guiltRead More →

This week’s theme is ADVERTISEMENT. I did put up an ADVERTISEMENT last yearto seek adoption for my four-months old kittens.Times had been really bad then when every singlecents saved would make a great difference.Somehow, I managed to stretch the fundsnot only to keep my beautiful babies but alsoto help outRead More →

This week’s theme is BOOK.Reading would be something that one should not forgoas it’s part of our journey in life to become successful.That’s the reason I would always encouragemy “kids” to read more BOOKs… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members, please click Mister Linky aboveRead More →

This week’s theme is PLASTIC.Some people will say “Curiosity kills a cat”.Well, it may happen when it involved an item like PLASTIC.For the case of Jimmy and Joey,it’s definitely not arising from PLASTIC poisoning buta matter of being honest and truthful between siblings.Certain things ought to be shared though… THANKRead More →

This week’s theme is on SPACE.When you have 9 cats in the house,you would need all the SPACE aroundto make them happy…Do you think that’s the only SPACEyou have to worry about?No… there are more to thatin order to have a happy cat family.One main one would be to meettheirRead More →