This week’s theme is on WILD.Well the twins had their first steps out into the WILD world out there today.It was their first WILD safari in the garden.They have seen a lot of new things including a so called WILD lion’s tail. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! ForRead More →

The J Kitties had been forced to stay in for so many days as it was a week filled with raining and thunderstorm. Finally, there was some sunshine today and thus all of them were allowed to go out for some fun. Everyone enjoyed themselves…errrr… except one big grumbler. FirstRead More →

This week’s theme is on WRINKLED.I have always told my friends that life should be filled with smiles and laughter,as the more you worry and frown,the more WRINKLED areas you have.That’s exactly what I told Jeremy ashe looked worried and frown all the time… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME ANDRead More →

It has been raining continuously for the past few days and the whole place was drenched. My kitchen roof was leaking but no workers would want to work on a rainy day. So you can imagine that I have pails all over the floor collecting rain water. I hope theyRead More →

The twins, Jimmy and Joey have grown up well. Being barely 18 days old, they had already started to create so many headaches for the rest of the J kitties, especially one. I just wonder why he has become their victim of abuse… haha. Maybe it could be due toRead More →

Jeremy finally found out about the hardship in taking care of babies when he had to help Mama Jessica keep a watchful eye over Jimmy and Joey. He had been grumbling nonstop for minutes to Janice. Janice also decided to check on the kiddos but with one meow and sheRead More →