This week’s theme is on BRIGHT.BRIGHT could mean anything from shining, sparkling, glorious, beautiful, lively, cheerful, intelligent and promising.What do the J Kitties have in mind then?Stay tune and see what the brats have to say about being BRIGHT! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members,Read More →

Since the weather has been rather humid here with no movement of air within the house, I allowed the kids out for some adventures on their own. I used to be worried about them being left alone without any supervisions but I guessed they have grown up well enough toRead More →

From the last post, we found out that Jeremy caught something out from his world. It turned out to be a roach which thought it was brave enough to intrude the territory of the J Family. In the end, it was a death trap. Jeremy caught it. Minutes later, theRead More →

Justin and Jeremy felt that it was extremely unfair for Janice to claim all the credits for being the sole alien hunter in the house. They decided to go alien hunting themselves. After checking all the dark areas thoroughly from upstairs until downstairs of the house, they finally ended upRead More →

This week’s theme is on SELF.I will show you what will happen if you have too many kitties inthe house fighting to gain your attention and affection.There would be never ending of scratches and scars on mySELF. Look at the guilt on Jeremy’s face… Look at how Jeremy shared hisRead More →

We have to knock on Papa’s head sometimes to bring him back to reality. He could be such a blur case that he only cares about his look, his tummy, his sleep and where he would be going out later. Nothing else matters to him. We could anytime recognize Daddy’sRead More →

Someone has been spreading rumours that there is a kitty even more handsome and man than me. What? This orange kitty with black stripes? How could he be? He is so inactive and sat there all day long doing nothing but staring at the walls. What a SOFT kitty heRead More →

Justin discovered that there is an alien out there. It is going to kitnap us and sell us to the flea market. What? Flea market? We had enough of flea problems here before and I do not want it happen again. Hey Justin! Cut that part! Nobody is going toRead More →

Daddy has gone outstation to attend a seminar this afternoon. He would not be around for a few days. What should we do? Haha… We would take over the house… take over the computer and… Janice: How are we to have a party when the babysitter is around? We areRead More →

Tomorrow will be the first blogoversary of The Cat Realm. Karl will be holding a lizard BBQ party and all are welcome. You can drop by and enjoy the food (yummy lizards and bugs), drinks (Domaine Le Royaume De Chat 1996 and Lizquila Cuervo Especial) and party all night longRead More →