Everything turned out real well for Daddy’s Birthday Party. The guests enjoyed themselves so much that some of them helped themselves to countless rounds of the food. Some of the kitties were concerned that there would be lots of dishes for us to wash. We, the J Kitties are smart in our party planning. Why do you think we invited beans to come to the party? They are the slaves for cleaning up all the cat litters scattered everywhere from the dining hall, garden until the bathrooms. CLEANCREW There were some who are smart enough to send messages but avoided the party but we managed to captivate four to clear up the mess. 😛 They are PapaJoneh from East Malaysia, Napaboaniya from Singapore, Annabell from Switzerland and of course Momo’s forever slave SS from Australia. Daddy was spared as he was the man of the day. After all, he had been captivated in a room for seven straight days. Oops…did I just spill that out? 😛 *** Banging Jeremy’s head *** Anyway, there was so much exotic food left that we packed takeaway bags for everyone to bring back to their country. Justin designed some cute “for him” and “for her” bags and filled it up with lots of goodies. DOGGY BAGS Can you guess what else is in the bag? It is a specially designed plaque with our greatest thanks for your time and attendance.  Thank you everyone for taking some time off to fly all the way here to make this party an unforgettable one. Please do not forget to tune in this Saturday and Sunday for the exciting CCSI III – The Missing Mummy Caper, written by Daddy Criz, directed by Opus & Roscoe, produced by Sassy & her Little Productions Team and acted by many of the guests who had visited here earlier. CCSI III


  1. You the Man… Daddy!
    Thanks but no problem. All the food delicious and we made sure no one left without finishing their plate clean. 😀

    Thank you for the invitation. Invite us again.. we love too… 😀

  2. Hahahaha!!!!! SS got caught again! The J kitties are so smart to invite her along. You’d think she would know NOT to go to a kitty party if she didn’t want to be cleaning lady after the event! It appeared that she didn’t mind after all. I suppose that’s what slaves are for.

    That was a great party – thanks so much for organizing it. And the take home bag too!

  3. Oh! So that’s what I am huh? Cleaning Crew! Expensive oh! All the way from Switzerland! What do I get for helping out? Hehe!! You Js owe me Lots of cuddles for the rest of your lives!

  4. It was a glorious party!!! Thank you so much J Family! Even if the staff now calls us “blown up furballs” – but the food was just tooooo delicious, hahahahahahahahaha!!!
    And thank you for that beautiful plaque!!! And how smart you are – yes, let the humans do the work, hahahahahaha

  5. Criz and the J Family, that was a super duper party!! IWe had so much fun!!! I hope you enjoyed the surprise party to Daddy Criz!!! 🙂
    Purrs Mickey,Tillie and Georgia

  6. Happy Belated Birthday wishes, Criz. We are sorry to have missed your b’day party ’cause we decided to stay home and keep mom company. She has been suffering all week from the effects of pneumonia,so we didn’t even get to blog much. Thanks for Moe’s picture on your magazine cover too, we were surprised and pleased.

    Mindy & Moe

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