The twins, Jimmy and Joey have grown up well. Being barely 18 days old, they had already started to create so many headaches for the rest of the J kitties, especially one. I just wonder why he has become their victim of abuse… haha. Maybe it could be due toRead More →

Ever since I had taken Janice to get the stitches off and the two seriously ill boys, Justin and Jayson to the vet, my hands had been tied up with so many “side effects” of their injections. The two boys were vomiting and purging wherever they go, leaving trails ofRead More →

Jeremy finally found out about the hardship in taking care of babies when he had to help Mama Jessica keep a watchful eye over Jimmy and Joey. He had been grumbling nonstop for minutes to Janice. Janice also decided to check on the kiddos but with one meow and sheRead More →

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your suggestions to treat Jayson. I will try to get some yogurt to let him try out later on. He is feeling better now with me hardly cleaning up his “leftovers”. Boy… that could be real tiring! Anyway, I’m stillRead More →

Janice is back!! She’s home resting now!! I’m sure this is what all of you might want to hear, right? Well, she might be fine now but things for did not worked out as I had planned earlier. THE GOOD NEWS: Janice did not even realize that she was goingRead More →

Gosh! I never knew I had come out with such a tongue twisting title… Haha! Anyway, the D-Day is definitely here for Janice, which in at 9.00am tomorrow. She will be 6 months old next week and I had no choice but to get her “LadyGardenectomy” settled before I amRead More →

This week’s theme is on BRIGHT.BRIGHT could mean anything from shining, sparkling, glorious, beautiful, lively, cheerful, intelligent and promising.What do the J Kitties have in mind then?Stay tune and see what the brats have to say about being BRIGHT! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members,Read More →