Christmas is just by the corner and so is the welcoming of 2009. It has been a busy year for me and the J Family Kitties as we could hardly find time to visit many for the past few weeks. I hope everyone would have a great time for theRead More →

We do understand the meaning of life and appreciate it when we are still alive and be able to go about with our daily routines but do our little furry kitties understand life? Do they know that living creatures ought to be left alone to be as free as theRead More →

This week’s theme is on FAVORITE.This Miss Orange Spiky Tomato Headwas one of my FAVORITE creationsthat I had presented during a recentpotluck gathering. Unfortunately someone wasn’t thathappy with the decision.He preferred to beDaddy’s FAVORITE…because he isMister Orange Spiky Head!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members,Read More →

I thought I could have more time to rest but things did not work out as I would have expected. Instead of some good and peaceful night sleep daily, I would be waken up at 6.00am punctually every morning, only to meet the demands of a few hungry creatures inRead More →

This week’s theme is on METAL.Jimmy is on a food craze after theThanksgiving dinner we had yesterday.I’m beginning to get worried nowif he’s planning to stay on thatMETAL plate until Christmas… I think TN Chick overlooked the repetitionof this theme this week.We had one on 22 March 2008.You can watchRead More →

With Thanksgiving coming up this week, followed by Christmas then New Year, there would be lots of gatherings, parties not forgetting lots of ongoing drinking events happening before the end of the year. All the J Kitties love parties, especially Jeremy. But! Jeremy has an advice for everyone, “There’s aRead More →

Taking some time off from the blogging world can sometimes be quite relaxing after so much of pressures I had when I had to ensure the health of all the J Family Kitties. Although I could not get far away from home as the kitties still needed me to beRead More →

The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover. Although I’m still feeling easily exhausted now after more than a month of taking care of myRead More →

Most of you are not aware that I have been extremely sick until Daddy had no mood or energy to write anything. I have been making Daddy very worried as I could not eat nor drink anything since last Saturday night. I have been panting for breath every second ofRead More →