Recently, the twins had changed their sleeping area again ever since Jolyn came into the house. She’s the typical Jeremy as she is as hyperactive as him but Jeremy also got fed up with her disturbing him when he was sleeping. Of all the places available in the house, theyRead More →

It really looked like my place is fast becoming a sanctuary for all the strays. I hope I won’t land myself into many problems as I did overhear some of my neighbors complaining about the “bombs” all over the place. Although my kitties are all the time indoor, there wereRead More →

(A submission for Karl’s I Dare You All #4, Part 2) Keeping the environment populated with many greens has always been the practices of us, the J Kitties. After all, it would benefit the future generations well. (Daddy Criz: Wait! What do you mean by future generations? Are you allRead More →

After posting up the article on the begging kitty, some readers had asked me why there were so many strays around here. I must say, it’s due to the mentality of the people living in this country. It’s not that we do not have animal lovers over here but mostRead More →

This week’s theme is on WILD.Well the twins had their first steps out into the WILD world out there today.It was their first WILD safari in the garden.They have seen a lot of new things including a so called WILD lion’s tail. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! ForRead More →

After resting for a few days, I had decided to go out for some stroll along the neighborhood to get some food. At least I can get some exercise as well as to avoid getting more bed sores. There was something else which made me wanting to go out toRead More →

It was definitely a very wet weekend and a chaotic one indeed. First it rained nonstop for more than 13 hours with 4 hours of heavy downpour. My garden was flooded with more than a foot of water whereas my surrounding neighborhood was with above knee deep water. I gotRead More →

This week’s theme is on STRING(S).Not so long ago, I was working on quite a number ofpaper bags projects for my local market consumptions.As there were strict Quality Control involved,I ended up with a lot of colorful nylon STRINGS.I brought those STRINGS home as I knew thatthe kitties would loveRead More →

After a good night rest from a tiring excursion yesterday, Daddy decided to take us up to Genting Highlands for a day of indoor and outdoor theme park outing. We woke up very early to visit Auntie Sara who would lead us up there. As we were over excited aboutRead More →

The J Kitties had been forced to stay in for so many days as it was a week filled with raining and thunderstorm. Finally, there was some sunshine today and thus all of them were allowed to go out for some fun. Everyone enjoyed themselves…errrr… except one big grumbler. FirstRead More →