This week’s theme is LOW.There are so many definitions for the word “LOW”and I think I practically covered some of them here.In this house, there’s never a LOW supply of foodto feed the growing “kids”.You would see what I meant down here…when hunger strikes!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME ANDRead More →

This week’s theme is UTENSILS.Having many kitchen UTENSILS around can be usefulif you are a good cook with enough of knowledgeto detect what’s right and wrong.If I were to be a beginner,Jimmy would have had the worst nightmare of his life… Disclaimer: No cats are directly or indirectly harmed duringRead More →

This week’s theme is ROCK(S).Living on an island with many surrounding little islands,there would surely be lots of ROCKS along the beach front.Mother Nature has her way to provide some sourceof livelihood to those living by these beaches.Even the sharp looking barnacles on the ROCKShave some shares in this privilege.Read More →

This week’s theme is PINK.When you mention about PINK,there’s always something in this householdthat would get every kitties excited.It’s the PINK bowl that I’ll use to mix their food.For the last 3 months,I have been using this PINK bowl on a PINK plateto mix two types of cat food (withRead More →

This week’s theme is PAINTED.Sometimes I have to agree that there’s a limit to everything,especially on the limitation that a cat has…Not everyone would be born to be skillful and talented in art.It’s very obvious on Jeremy when he PAINTED me…Do I really look like that?? THANK YOU FOR YOURRead More →

This week’s theme is on THANKFUL.There are so many things I’m THANKFUL for in lifebut the major one would be to be ableto be surrounded by great friendsthroughout the journey of my life…I just wonder what my catswould be THANKFUL for…Note: Some did ask me how many… 9 happy JRead More →

This week’s theme is on BRIDGE(S).When you talk about BRIDGE(S), most people wouldjust think of a structure connecting two sides.I thought of taking the J Kitties for a BRIDGE tripbut decided against it as it would be too dangerous.Any one of them might go for a bungee jump. 😛In theRead More →

This week’s theme is on FURRY.Somehow there is one FURRY four-legged thing in my housethat has been giving me lots of doubt over his innocence.If you had watch the FURRY Puss-in-the-Boots in Shrek,you can imagine how pretentious and pathetic look that cat has.Jeremy behaved exactly like that FURRY Puss-in-the-Boots.Now whoRead More →