This week’s theme is on POINTED.Jeremy had a bad experience with POINTED stuff not long ago.He was told not to go into the “forbidden garden”but he did not heed my advice.This was the outcome of his stubbornness. I should have listen to Daddy not tojump over the POINTED fence. IRead More →

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your suggestions to treat Jayson. I will try to get some yogurt to let him try out later on. He is feeling better now with me hardly cleaning up his “leftovers”. Boy… that could be real tiring! Anyway, I’m stillRead More →

This week’s theme is on BRIGHT.BRIGHT could mean anything from shining, sparkling, glorious, beautiful, lively, cheerful, intelligent and promising.What do the J Kitties have in mind then?Stay tune and see what the brats have to say about being BRIGHT! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members,Read More →

I had received a few comments that I might have given my new twins the wrong names as they were supposedly born as calicos. It is believed that 99% of calicos are females. Well, there is still a 1% chance that Jimmy is actually a male which is very rareRead More →

This week’s theme is on WATER.Earth is made up of 71% WATER and 29% land.Whenever the WATER vaporizes into the air,it would be condensed and stay in the atmosphereuntil it reaches precipitation and fall back to eartheither frozen or as rainfalls.This is called the WATER Cycle. Sometimes after a rainfall,youRead More →