
This week’s theme is on METAL.
Jimmy is on a food craze after the
Thanksgiving dinner we had yesterday.
I’m beginning to get worried now
if he’s planning to stay on that
METAL plate until Christmas…



I think TN Chick overlooked the repetition
of this theme this week.
We had one on 22 March 2008.
You can watch my earlier post here.


For those members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!


  1. GULPZ! For a change instead of Mr Turkey we’re having meows for Thankgiving?!?!

  2. Love that Santa hat!! I linked to my earlier metal post too 🙂
    Happy weekend!

  3. Lol – that is great. Now my next question is are you prepping for next week’s theme at the same time. 😉 No need to answer… hehe

  4. I bet he did have some turkey!

    He’s beautiful.

  5. That’s an adorable shot for the metal theme. What a cute kitty on the metal plate.

  6. He will need to leave that metal plate soon, or someone will be eating Santa Jimmy… horrors… Good take on this week’s theme!

  7. Aww how cute. Chirstmas is a happy time for our cats especially when my mum gives them turkey legs. Happy weekend

  8. Christmas? Thanksgiving?? This blog sounds more American than Asian!!! ;D

  9. What a great set of photos Criz. He won’t get much food if he doesn’t make room though will he? Have a good weekend Criz.

  10. Jimmy looks so cute… great photos, Criz.

  11. Oh that shot is too adorable…never mind the turkey..we have a cute Santa cat on the plate anyway…but not for dinner…no way! heheh

  12. This is too cute! It could be a poster. Like the kind I used to order from Scholastic Book Orders when I was in elementary school. *giggle*

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. LOL! he’s so cute!! he’s waiting for the turkey or has he eaten it already? hehehehe!

  14. hahaha your cats rock! they look real good- but i wonder if they taste better… just kidding! =]

  15. I was thinking about the previous metal photo hunt too. Anyway, your cats look gorgeous in their santa hats.

  16. Swwwwwwwweeeeeeeeet!!! What a wonderful, purrfect shot.

    My metal is posted. Drop by for a visit if you can!
    Happy Hunting.

  17. May I have a larger spoon, please?
    And a little gravy?
    Dressing is not needed, as this adorable bit of fur is already so very well dressed.

    Without question: these photos are A+ super.

    PS we are glad you helped us connect the dots; and we even found #5!

  18. The food must have been real good 🙂

    Have a great weekend, Criz 🙂

  19. Hilarious! And what a good-natured little guy he is – ours wouldn’t stay for a second on a plate, metal or otherwise LOL!
    Happy weekend!

  20. How good of you to use utensils 🙂 Thanks for stopping by…

  21. Jimmy, you are smart to stay right there until you get more delicious treats!

  22. Oh that is too cute to eat! Great shot for this week’s theme.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. I just joined Photohunt and you’re the only one who pointed out that this week’s theme is actually a repeat! LOL

    Well you’re entry today is cuter and festive! Nice one.

  24. I guess when you do something every Saturday it’s easy to repeat yourself. I don’t blame you for staying in the metal bow. If food was in it once, surely it will be in there again.

  25. Jimmy,are you hoping Christmas comes early if you sit on that METAL plate?!!! Heehee
    Purrs Mickey

  26. That is such a cute picture for the metal theme! I love the Santa hat on your cat!

  27. What a sweet festive entry!

    My entry is here

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier, and hope you have a great week ahead 🙂

  28. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so so sweet! mommy wishes I would look that cute and pose in my hat. Maybe if there was a plate of turkey nearby…

    you’re so cute Jimmy!

  29. Cute photos! Looks like Jimmy is in for the long haul and not going to get off of the plate.
    Thanks for stopping for turkey day the other day, it is always nice to visit and see all of you.

  30. Hi Criz – we just used paypal but forgot to change the mailing address – just disregard it!
    The Cat Realm

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