The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover.

At two months and 4 days old, the twins, Jimmy and Joey had decided to open up their own business. I was telling them that they were just too young to be involved in any businesses but they insisted on trying their services for the first few days before deciding whether to invest in it. They will need a “guinea pig” to try out their services and who could that be? Well, there’s only one “pig” which is the biggest and fattest in the J Family… Jeremy!


They have decided to register their business as “Kitomatic Cleaning Machines” once everyone in the household approved of their quality services. I have seen them working hard on achieving that dream of theirs. They are very professional indeed. Every dirty spots on the “client” would be cleaned without further questions. I’m not sure whether I would want to let them out into the business world. It’s a jungle out there as only the best would survive and be successful for a long term. What do you think? Should I let them go? Here’s a video on their determination and commitment to be the best!


  1. Hi Criz, good to see you again and thanks for visiting and commenting. A Dragon Fruit plant, eh? I’ve seen those at the greengrocers but haven’t actually tasted one. They look too pretty to eat!

    I love the video of the Kitomatic Cleaner…it’s funny how cats like to clean one another. Bella will clean Mitzi, but Mitz doesn’t return the favour…little tart that she is.

    Have a good week, Criz.

  2. Hahaha ! that’s too cute ! Rosie could join them in their cleaning business, she also washes everybody in this house !
    Hope your back gets better and also that the twins stop doing their (other) business everywhere ! It’s awful !

  3. Oww, they are so cute. I have 3 of those washing machines over here too, but my dogs keep them busy. One’s little but the other one is big, so the kitomatics have a lot of work! 🙂

  4. Oh is that cute!!!
    Unfortunately our cats don´t clean each other. Each clean itself. I´m a little sad about that.
    I posted cleaning pictures too today.

  5. Criz, those twins are so adorable. I would hire them! The video is just so great! Thank you for making me smile!!!!!

  6. Ohhhhhh do they do house visits? I need some pampering and good cleaning. They don’t mind long fur or noisy stupid woofies do they?

    ~ Shadow ~

  7. We would like to sign Speedy up to be a regular customer. Jeremy sure seems to enjoy it! If dey start der Kitomatic Cleaning bizness dey haf better invest in lots of hairball remedy too.

  8. I think Joey and Jimmy Awe faboolous at theiw cleaning sewvice, but pawhaps they can do it fwom home, and scween the clients vewy cawefully..I would not let them out into the big bad wowld
    smoochie kisses

  9. What a great business idea! Sure, get those cats working for ya and paying their own way Daddy Criz! LOL!

  10. oh boy! the Kitomatic Cleaners are fantastic. i wish i could have them come groom me while i just hang out. that would be so cool.

    i say, let them take a shot. they seem determined.

  11. Very professional indeed. Do they do international housecalls for long haired cats?

  12. Jimmy and Joey are certainly very determined to do a good job. They are very thorough. I think you should let them work from home and have the kitties wanting their services come to them. They are too little to go out into the big, bad world as yet.

  13. I love your businesses name!
    They are all equipped with the
    best scrubby tongue! Have a good
    weekend Criz! Have you given the
    Tortie baby kitty a good wash up?
    If you can catch her…. it helped
    my cats be more friendly after their siblings come home from
    the vets….

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