I have always thought that Papa Jonathan was a Casanova since he hardly came home daily. I practically got use to his disappearing acts. Even if he were to be present, he would just take his meals within 5 minutes and out he goes with his wild expedition. It wasRead More →

I did not have a good rest the whole of last night because I have to face with so many cases of breaking out within every few hours. In the end, I have not choice but to lock her in a cage. Before I could even have a short shutRead More →

Many friends have been asking me on how I managed to keep my face clean and sparkling all the time. Well, I have tried many ways doing the cleaning myself but I still could not get the perfect solution for a cleaner face. Not matter what products I use suchRead More →

This week’s theme is on CLOUD(S).I have been down with acute migraine recently,and have been watching over my diet carefully.One of the ingredients which I had used for my healthycooking included the CLOUD EAR FUNGUS, orscientifically known as Auricularia auricula-judae.This jelly-like fun fungus can be found easilyright after a rainfallRead More →

The past few days, I was down with severe migraine problem which caused me to feel nausea and also sleep a lot. A little bright light from the computer screen itself will make me dizzy and sick. Luckily, I have a good friend around to help me handle the JRead More →

This week’s theme is on HANGING.What an appropriate theme for my two 34 days old twins,Jimmy and Joey, who love to HANG on toanything that they could get their paws on.Let me share with you where they have beenHANGING about for the last one week. Now you know why IRead More →

It was one of those days when there were just too many chores in hand to complete and yet you still see continuous mess around the house. Well, kids! As they grow older, they tend to run, jump, climb, tear, bite and worst still wet wherever they can lay theirRead More →