To know more on what had happened to Panther and how he is progressing, you can read more in my earlier post “HIS LIFE COULD NOT BE ANY BETTER”, “PANTHER – THE CAT WITH THE FIGHTING SPIRIT”, “PURRS FROM PANTHER”, “SCARS OF A LIFETIME” and “INPUT BUT NO OUTPUT?” LATESTRead More →

To know more on what had happened to Panther and how he is progressing, you can read more in my earlier post “HIS LIFE COULD NOT BE ANY BETTER”, “PANTHER – THE CAT WITH THE FIGHTING SPIRIT”, “PURRS FROM PANTHER” and “SCARS OF A LIFETIME” LATEST UPDATE: 21/5/08 10.40PM TodayRead More →

To know more on what had happened to Panther and his previous progresses, you can read more in my earlier post “HIS LIFE COULD NOT BE ANY BETTER”, “PANTHER – THE CAT WITH THE FIGHTING SPIRIT” and “PURRS FROM PANTHER”. LATEST UPDATE: 20/5/08 7.00PM Today has been a hectic dayRead More →

Gosh… I could not imagine that I dozed off so easily today. Luckily, it is a public holiday over here. After coming back from the vet at 5.30pm, I refreshed myself and wanted to write about Panther’s progress. Then, I thought 15 minutes of shut eyes would not be muchRead More →

Note: Some serious solutions are needed urgently at the end of the post Living in a house with 2 adults and 4 kittens could be as fun and happy but sometimes it may end up worst than hell. Many of you are aware that Janice was down with a highRead More →