

This week’s theme is IN MEMORY.
I thought I would want to skip this theme
as I could be quite emotional with the recent
few bad happenings in my life…
but I would want to dedicate this post
IN MEMORY of my loyal stray cat, Mimi.
She was gone along with her 2 months’ old kitten
in a freak car accident while crossing the road…
I missed her breakfast call each morning…




There were also a few more strays that I had helped
on some limited funds I had months ago…
but their fate and destiny were not within my control…
IN MEMORY of some of the greatest kittens
that had left some smiles in my life…




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Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!



  1. Great take on the theme. I know it must be so hard to have lost a much loved cat. I know you have made such a difference to the strays in your life even when their ultimate destiny was beyond your control. Beautiful post.

  2. I’m sorry about your Mimi. Please continue to make a difference in stays lives.

    A beautiful tribute to your beloved pet.

  3. WHat a beautiful tribute. Mimi was a beautiful cat, just like our Mimi who also died this year. Happy weekend Criz

  4. Beautiful tribute, and you are a wonderful person to help these stray cats 🙂 Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you have a goodly weekend!

  5. OMG – Criz, I had no idea there were so many strays around your home. You are an angel here on earth to be helping so many – and to remember them so fondly in your heart when they’re gone.
    Many *HUGS* to you, and lots of love to all your kitties!

  6. This one of your best posts ever Criz. Very moving indeed. It must break your heart for them to pass on, even though they spend such a little time with you sometimes.

    Happy weekend.

  7. Really touching tribute and those cats are really beautiful. I’m sure they are happy where they are now. Please continue helping stray cats, our family does it too.

  8. How aad and sweet – your love for all these little ones shines through.

    I didn’t want to make a sad post. Mine’s In Memory of a great time to be repeated.

  9. Even though these kitties are gone, you cared enough to love them and do what you could for them.

    Mindy & Moe

  10. I’m sorry for all the kitties you loved and lost, especially Mimi and her baby. Breaks my ♥.

  11. What a beautiful tribute to all of these special kitties! It made our momma eyes get all leaky.

    We know that they are waiting for you at the Bridge and appreciate everything you did for them during their time here.

    Charlemagne and Tamar

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