After being mistaken as a predator yesterday, Janice was still rambling about the existence of aliens invading the house. Firstly, it was the two strays which I was feeding daily. Poor Alpha and Beta. Then something unexpected made her panic. What could that be? To me, those things are quite common as I have seen them loitering around at night but to her, those were something new. Hmmm… I think I better stopped her from watching more TV shows. It sure can influence the thinking of a growing up child. 😛
Those are just snails Janice. They do not even have teeth to bite you. Now can I go back to sleep? I’m dead tired!!
Snails? Snails? Ewwwwww, I’m with Janice: time to panic! LOL, happy COT
Hmmmm. Snails. Perhaps we should inform Daisy.
Stop by when you get a chance.
purrs and tail wags
hmph. We haven’t been getting blog updates from you on our bloglines. Well this isn’t okay.
I think being a predator is grand! Go and get those snails!
Ick, Snails!! Does Daisy know?
Your house often has very special guest and news happening, never get bored~! Hahahaha~~~
KC said…
Oh, my, snails? Daisy should be here fur this. I wants to hunt snails, too.
We wuz thinkin’ maybe the snails came from Daisy, too, but they’s not lizardly like.
Hi Criz,
We where just stopping by to check in on Panther. How is he doing? Have you met your fund raising goal yet?
Send them over to Daisy! She can use them in her lab!
SNAILS???? Mommy is SQEEEEEEEEEEING like crazy. Slimy…….hey….Daisy should know about this!
I get an invasion of SLUGS in my kitchen every night. Panic away Janice, I’m right there with you! 🙂 xxx
I think snails are ewwwwwwwy. I might panic too!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
SNAILS! Be very, very careful not to EVER allow one of those snails into the laboratory. They are not to be trusted!!!!
ewwwwwwwwww snails?
Invasion in force
Call out the reinforcements..
Gee,that is aa lot of snails!!!
Maybe your Dad will eat them,heehee
I have not seen any snails here.
Purrs Mickey
eeeewwww – slimy invaders! yuk! our Lady would salt them to death.