This week’s theme is on SHARE ANY PHOTO YOU WOULD LIKE,
meaning I can post up anything I would like to share here.
As you know, most of us have a digital camera with us.
But have you ever wondered why sometimes some of our shots
turned out to be not as we would have expected?
There are many scientific as well as spiritual explanations
to our shots but it all depends on what we believe in.
This week, I would like to share on
ODDITIES IN DIGITAL PHOTOS. These two shots were taken a few years back in Myanmar.
This country was recently hard hit by cyclone Nargis on
5 May 2008 and is in a bad shape of recovering now. PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT THERE WERE NO
This is a random shot on the noisy and restless birds in the sky.
What do you see?
A dragon or two playing with an orb during sunset? WE SENSED BUT WE CANNOT SEE
This is a shot taken randomly around the hotel area.
What do you see?
Mystical Chinese Monkey God or a flying tiger? WATER BUBBLES EVERYWHERE
This shot was taken in Penang, Malaysia in February 2008
during a crowded Chinese New Year street party.
Are those water bubbles or spiritual orbs? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members,
please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!
Oh wow, I can really see the dragon in the first photo! He is made out of smoke!
Great shots, I can see a big cat in the second one for sure. Happy weekend
Those are great photos! What a fun photohunt!
Tiger! Cool shots.
excellent photos I could see the dragon
Criz!! Don’t scare me lar!! I just finished watching 怪谈 with the Penang murder case of YingYing. Saw the orbs and stuffs… *Gulpz*
We can see dragons too! Great photos!
That’s creepy!
Oooo…. scary!

*do a ‘nam mo’ chant*
Awesome pictures!!!!! I love the dragon one the best!!!!!Mind,I’m partial to gragons!!
Very cool shots! Makes me wonder…
Happy Hunting from CrAzY Working Mom
cool shots
Mine in here Thanks
Will you visit mine Thanks
These are sort of eerie! ;D
Getting fanciful here Criz but they are interesting photos. Have a good weekend.
Oh thats very interesting shots…Happy hunting!
Hope you visit mine too
Smoke? =) Happy weekend!
Those are cool shots. I see what you
these pics r so weird….omos too weird ..could they b really wat they seem to be?
Wow – what amazing shots!!
Happy Weekend.
I see the figure of a dragon. The last shot with little circles happen to a few of my shots too taken at night time with lots of lights around.
Here are my photos if you have time to visit.
Those are amazing shots. I can see different things.
Great photos. The first ones I think are bats.
Hello again. I’m back after a long break from blogging.
I think the middle one looks like more like a bear’s head. Playful dragons definitely in the first shot.
That used to be my smoke when I used to smoke cigarettes…I don’t anymore, Criz!
How awesome! Cool pictures.
I think it is fun but nothing really to it
Getting down to almost air time! The excietment is in the air!!!!!
there must be some explanation about the orbs.
amazing smoke formation..
Wow…such a cool photohunt!
Happy weekend!
Amazing what you can see in these. Nice choice for The Hunt. Creative and different.
The smoke… is like as if there’s some mythical creature
We did it! We did it!!! Production has the show on the air, what a great production. Can hardly wait until part two tomorrow!
Great shots!
I sometimes get those orbs in photos too. And always in eerie places.
Wow @ the dragons in the first photo.
Neato and not to creepy for me. I find oddities in some photos but never anything major… =)
That’s spooky ~~~
The dragon shot is pretty nice though.
Awesome shots! It’s real fun indeed.
Have a great weekend.
Jessica – you were fabulous! What a performance, we are in awe! Congratulations and welcome to the CCSI family, you are truly a very valuable addition the the wonderful CCSI cast!!!!
I like those photos! Very interesting shots!
Ooo. Cool imaginary shots!
Those are neat photos!
These are very special photos!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting shots! Thank you or sharing!