Taking some time off from the blogging world can sometimes be quite relaxing after so much of pressures I had when I had to ensure the health of all the J Family Kitties. Although I could not get far away from home as the kitties still needed me to beRead More →

The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover. Although I’m still feeling easily exhausted now after more than a month of taking care of myRead More →

Most of you are not aware that I have been extremely sick until Daddy had no mood or energy to write anything. I have been making Daddy very worried as I could not eat nor drink anything since last Saturday night. I have been panting for breath every second ofRead More →

My sweet girl, Janice is finally home this morning after being “held captive” against her will for A MONTH. With all the health issues in the J Family, I didn’t even realize that time did pass by so fast. I have been very busy trying to settle some of theRead More →

LOVE is… When you have your compassionate eyes even on a small living creature, Showering and sacrificing your love without any conditions,Feeling joyful by giving them the best they should have,And you would see love wherever you may be… Criz LaiRead More →

It seemed that even before Janice could come back into a virus free environment, everything started again. Is the Calici Virus as diagnosed by the vets so serious that it would take 10 months to a year plus to be totally wiped out? I’m lost for words and answers now.Read More →

This week’s theme is on SCARY.It was definitely a SCARY and stressful period for meduring the past few weeks with so many ofthe J Family Kitties falling sick at the same time.I’m not going to repeat all those SCARY momentsI had to deal with weird illness, vomit, vet bills, etc.Instead…Read More →

That’s exactly the word to describe me now. When I thought all the dilemmas I had for the past few weeks settled, another one crept up unexpectedly. How would you feel if you were to wake up on a Saturday and find this on the floor? I was even inRead More →

That’s what I’m having now – the fear of illness. Things have not been fine over here in the J Family. It is really chaotic and stressful with one after another getting sick. I had always wanted to write more but I could not due to the situations and lethargy.Read More →