This week’s theme is CURVED.I don’t have much problem with this week’s themeas I know exactly which CURVED area needed to be mentioned.Maybe Mama Jessica would be able to showyou which area I would always fuss about… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT!HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!Read More →

This week’s theme is BIRD(S).Some time back, I had an injured BIRD deliveredto my doorstep by Mama Jessica.I named the BIRD Jay.It was slightly injured on the backand was real lively when I triedto nurse it back to health.Unfortunately, it went over to therainbow the next morning.I blamed Mama JessicaRead More →

This week’s theme is TIED.I have been TIED up with so many things recentlyas I’m still in the midst of moving stuff to a new home.After so many years of staying in the old premises,you could imagine how much junks I’ve collected… LOL!At least Mummy Jessica would no longer beRead More →

With a household of nine fast growing up cats, there would always be endless streams of breakages, health issues and vet bills. What more when there are so many innocent strays around my neighborhood which at times would have some emergency issues. I must admit that I have the guiltRead More →

This week’s theme is WALKING.There’s no better way in seeing the real worldthan WALKING out of the house some timeto experience it in real life… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.Thank you andRead More →

That’s exactly the word to describe me now. When I thought all the dilemmas I had for the past few weeks settled, another one crept up unexpectedly. How would you feel if you were to wake up on a Saturday and find this on the floor? I was even inRead More →

The J Kitties had been forced to stay in for so many days as it was a week filled with raining and thunderstorm. Finally, there was some sunshine today and thus all of them were allowed to go out for some fun. Everyone enjoyed themselves…errrr… except one big grumbler. FirstRead More →

I have always thought that Papa Jonathan was a Casanova since he hardly came home daily. I practically got use to his disappearing acts. Even if he were to be present, he would just take his meals within 5 minutes and out he goes with his wild expedition. It wasRead More →

I did not have a good rest the whole of last night because I have to face with so many cases of breaking out within every few hours. In the end, I have not choice but to lock her in a cage. Before I could even have a short shutRead More →

Many friends have been asking me on how I managed to keep my face clean and sparkling all the time. Well, I have tried many ways doing the cleaning myself but I still could not get the perfect solution for a cleaner face. Not matter what products I use suchRead More →