The cover model of this issue is Pierro, the newest mancat in the CATSOPHERE. He is also the newest little brother of our lovable Princess. Pierro is just a 6 months old kitten who is getting on real well with Princess. Initially, there were two kittens brought into the familyRead More →

The stray kitten that had made a surprise visit earlier and also secretly broke into my house has had even worst luck on his side recently. I thought he had ran away when I chased him out of the house but he still come back regularly to seek food andRead More →

The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover. My vet was surprised to see me back so soon after Janice’s fever case a few daysRead More →

The cover model of this issue is Janice, the oldest of the triplets. You can see how healthy and energetic she is today after having fever during the last few days. She will be 3 months’ old in a few days’ time. She will tell you more on what happenedRead More →

Note: Some serious solutions are needed urgently at the end of the post Living in a house with 2 adults and 4 kittens could be as fun and happy but sometimes it may end up worst than hell. Many of you are aware that Janice was down with a highRead More →

This week’s theme is on HIGH.Just look at how HIGH Papa Jonathan waswhen he smelled that alcohol contained beverage bottle. I was sick the last few days with HIGH fever.Even the thermometer showed HIGH temperature. I would want to thank everyone here for your kind wisheswhen I was having HIGHRead More →

I thought of letting the kittens go out of the house earlier but the unpredicted weather has stopped me from doing so. After a few days of bad weather, the sun was finally out shining brightly and happily yesterday. I then decided to let the kitties out for the firstRead More →