This week’s theme is SPORTS.We are healthier now because we get ourselvesinvolved in many types of SPORTS.Check out Jeremy with his latest interest in SPORTS.Hmmm… Scouting around the neighborhoodto check on girls considered SPORTS?I won’t know… do you?? I hope you like the video… MEOW!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMERead More →

This week’s theme is WORDS.We have gone through our journey in life wherewe had encountered various types of media thatcontained lots of WORDS in many different languages.Was it fun?Yes, it was surely fun reading more.There’s one part in our life thathad concerned Jeremy a lot… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMERead More →

This week’s theme is TWISTED.Since I’m not feeling so well this week,I would just post up the most memorableTWISTED case that happened in the J Family one and a half years ago.At that time… boys would be boys and both Justin and Jeremy wereinto extreme sports…Results… TWISTED hands!Come to thinkRead More →

This week’s theme is UPSIDE-DOWN.Don’t mention about the word “UPSIDE-DOWN”.It always drives me insane when I have to face it head on…almost daily… haha!I think those animal lovers would know what I meant,especially when I have so many brats around the household. 😛 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT!HAVERead More →

This week’s theme is ELECTRIC.We live in a world that we cannot live without electricity.Every electrical item, including the monitoryou are staring at now requires electricity.What do you think would be the mostsought after ELECTRIC household itemafter the computer? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT!HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!Read More →

This week’s theme is ORANGE.An ORANGE may have high Vitamin C in thembut overdose of Vitamin C would not be good for the body.Although non-toxic, it may cause diarrhea, kidney stones,nausea and tamper with the analysis of blood work results.Just look at Mrs. Mousey who loves ORANGES a lot…Something wentRead More →

This week’s theme is SURPRISE.Let’s hope time will eventually heal Daddy’sbroken heart since Joey’s death last week.The news caught everyone one of us in SURPRISEas she was such a healthy and loving sister. Note: Jeremy did not injure himself but created a hole on the already brittle awning.The fallen piecesRead More →

I hoped, I prayed and I tried my very best…But you left with my most fearful enemynone can avoid… DEATH!Bringing you into the world with my bare handsleft many smiles and joy in my life…Your every little moves and actionsmade my life more meaningful…Now what would happen to my faithfulalarmRead More →

This would be my fourth continuous night caring for my baby Joey. She has been under lots of depression after been diagnosed with many liver related complications. If I had not accidentally spotted the orange urine she gave out a few days back, she would have been in a worstRead More →