Every second, every minute, every hour, every day and every month for the last one year had brought back many fond memories. They were so small when they first came into this world and they had given me lots of happiness and headaches (which kitten won’t create havoc at home when they were small? LOL!) They are none other than my cute twins, Joey and Jimmy.


Watching them growing up to be such a perfect pair has been real fun. The elder Joey has been a rather quiet one, frequently hiding in mysterious and dark areas in the house, only to appear when there’s smell of any food or even the slightest sound of me opening some snacks. She’s my alarm clock as well, waking me up at 8.30am daily without fail.. Sweat!!! I’ll need more rest dear girl…

Jimmy on the other hand had some unique characteristics. His sense of hearing and smell would be the top amongst the rest, and he’s a great stalker. I wonder how he trained himself to be so alert each time when I’m hungry. Haha! Whenever I’m cooking in the kitchen, he would surely be there giving me that pathetic look in the eyes. Oh… and that ever slurping lips of his, showing his hungriness is so cute! But… I do not know why he’s such a bottomless pit. He will eat many meals a day although he has been well fed. He would put his fangs into just anything edible… including my fingers while feeding him. Ouch! That’s what you call finger food? Haha! What to do? He’s a growing boy. Boy? Hmm… he’s even larger and fatter than Jeremy now and they are barely six months difference in age. LOL!


Anyway, HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO JOEY & JIMMY! I’m off now to get them their favorite KFC (minus the oily skin of course) and McD’s Vanilla Sundae. 😛 Boy! I sure spoiled them to the extreme! Haha!!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to Joey and Jimmy. Have a lovely day full of love, fun and treats.

    Whicky Wuudler

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY AND JIMMY! We remember when you were born! You are still just as cute!!! Have a wonderful day!!!

    Tell you Daddy "hi" for uSSSSS!

  3. Happy birthday to you Jimmy and Joey. Daddy had nurture you to be so big!

    How is your health Criz? Hope you know what is wrong and you will be cured of it soon.
    Wishing you quick recovery.

  4. Happy Puurthday ! You two cuties. You are only slightly younger than Olivia who cellybrated her first puurthday in May !!

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