This week’s theme is on WRINKLED.
I have always told my friends that
life should be filled with smiles and laughter,
as the more you worry and frown,
the more WRINKLED areas you have.
That’s exactly what I told Jeremy as
he looked worried and frown all the time…
I have always told my friends that
life should be filled with smiles and laughter,
as the more you worry and frown,
the more WRINKLED areas you have.
That’s exactly what I told Jeremy as
he looked worried and frown all the time…

For those PhotoHunt members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!
He, he, Jeremy is such a cute one!!
I don’t mind ironing…much!
You have nothing to worry about! Wrinkles on a cat are beautiful 🙂 Happy photo hunting, and thank you for stopping by!
I think he’s adorable with his wrinkles. Happy weekend.
Oh, oh!! What am absolute cutie!!
Happy Weekend.
Do not worry, I think you have a very smooth and good complexion!
You do not have awe puwwfect!! and gowgeous..absolutely no need fow winkel cweam
smoochie kisses
And great sequence of gorgeous shots.
Happy weekend.
Haha I don’t think he has much to worry about.. He’s a handsome fellow. Happy weekend
They’re too cute! Nice idea too:D Never realized you can actually catch cat in wrinkled mood:D
Jeremy, your daddy is lying to you! You are beautiful and don’t have wrinkles at all!
Oh my – I have a good laugh over this one! Well done Criz. 🙂
haha. u truly animate your cats with human paranoia! great job!
No wrinkles that I can see.. He looks fine.
Great choice for today’s theme… Mine’s up too , hope you can hop at corner too… Happy weekend!
I do see it in the last one, what a cutie!
Haha… it is really cute kitty talk~
Have a nice weekend!
Jeremy is still cute and handsome despite all the wrinkles 🙂
You are a vain kitty, looking for wrinkles 😀
no need to worry, still pretty though 🙂
With the stress you’re under, you should really pose your wrinkled forehead 😛 hahhahahaa
I protest ! you are not wrinkled at all ! your face looks like the butt of a baby (only covered with fur of course !)
Maybe you should start that business. Happy weekend Criz.
oh no….poor wrinkled up kitty. teehee….thanks for the giggles.
happy weekend.
oh i love jeremy! i can’t seem to imagine him without his wrinkles..
mine is up too at:
those lines are so lovely no complex needed, silly:)
pretty wrinkles
Stop by and see my cute dimpled /wrinkled three generations/
Anti-wrinkle cream for cats?!! LOL, now I’ve heard of everything. You crack me up.
Mine is posted: HERE
Jeremy,I think your dad is teasing you!!!!
You do not have WRINKLES!!!!! That’s just your furs!!!heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Cute photos…loved the little story.
Jeremy is very silly. But we agree with you Criz he should smile more. ~S, S & C
Beautiful cat! Cats get wrinkles? I know they have bunched up bellies (mine sure does) but I wonder, do they get wrinkles on the face? Nonetheless, cats are beautiful. 🙂
My Photo Hunt is up, too! Come see, if you can, and leave your link. 🙂
You can use a product called PhotoShop on yer wrinkles – out momma uses it all da time. It’s a little expensive, but you only buy it once – then you gots to use it regularly.
P.S. – we don’t even sees yer wrinkles – yer lookin’ good!
Very purrty… any wrinkles you might have (which are very few we think) only make you that much purrtier.
too adorable! 🙂
oh.. he is not wrinkled. he is so cute and adorable. =) mine is up here
No need to worry about getting wrinkled here – he is adorable!
aaaaaawwwwwww, we don’t think you have wrinkles Jeremy! we think you just have wavy furs.
we hope you aren’t worried any more. we will send you comfort purrs so you don’t get wrinkles ever
Oh my oh my!! 6 cats? I can only handle 3 I think he he! Thanks for visiting me and my kitties! :):):)
You don’t need to worry about wrinkles! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!
LOL Jeremy is a cutie!
It’s going to be expensive buying anti-wrinkle creams. Ask Dad to iron the wrinkles for you. 😛
Cute shots! Don’t worry Jeremy. I think you look great.