It has always been kind of an easy and relaxing Sunday for me as I had decided to take the day off for my personal activities. Well, I could hardly do so most of the time because I am a blogaholic… haha! Although I have tried doing the blogging addictive test many times, the results has differed not much. 80% – 83%! Gosh… I better lock the computer and throw away the keys… errr… keyboard for some time. Anyway, my keyboard is also having some “wear and tear” problems now. Maybe I will just delay the purchase for another few days 😛 83%How Addicted to Blogging Are You? Not long ago I did another test on internet addiction and I got this message “In your opinion, life without the internet is hardly worth living. Could be, but you probably need a bit more fresh air and sunshine to think clearly.” See, it even asked me to go take some vacations. I do not think I can at the moment due to the “needs and wants” of the J Family at all times. Anyone want to be my kittysitter? Errr… Here is just a note to inform you that they have the bad habits of driving the kittysitter up the walls. Haha. Actually, I am here just for a short post but from the look of things, it won’t be short at all with all the ranting I’m doing now. Do you think I’m beginning to act like Jeremy, the super talkative kitty of mine? 😛 As you know, on and off I will have strays coming to my front door asking for food. I have two regulars and I would called them Alpha and Beta here today. This practice has been going on for two months or so. This morning, I heard some hungry cries. Getting the Purina Friskies cat food in hand, I got out hoping to find some hungry looking cats at the front door. Mysteriously, I found none. Somehow, the cries were coming from the sky. In my mind was, “Hey God! You are joking with me right?” After few minutes, the cries became more intense. Looking around my neighborhood, I could not find any Felix, Garfield, Sylvester, Hello Kitty, Heathcliff, Salem, Tom, Artemis, Doraemon or even Cat Woman around. Maybe that’s a Cheshire. Haha! Did I accidentally locked one of my kitties in my bedroom upstairs? One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Hmmm… they are all here right beside me. Suddenly, at one corner of my eyes, I saw a shadow flew over my head. It’s getting weird. I have a ghost cat in my house? I quickly grabbed my camera and ran upstairs to my bedroom. Upon opening my windows, I saw something that made me smile with happiness. I have a few flying cats in my neighborhood which I had not seen before. They were so beautiful. Should I call them as Gamma, Delta and Epsilon? 😛 Here is the only shot that I have taken because Papa Jonathan scared them off by jumping up the window out of curiosity. Aren’t they cute?
Opps.. I forgot to mention Adan*Lego*Michico presented me with an award on Brilliant Weblog. I think some of people around here should get this award too. ML, Debra, Jans, SS and Daisy’s Mummy should receive this award as well. Congrats! Hmmm… seems like all of them are ladies. Hey! What happened to all the guy cat lovers here? Haha! 😛
Those are very pretty flying kitties!
Those kitties are so cute, and your kitties are absolutely darling! You deserve that wonderful award, your bloggy is fantastic, as is the fact that you are a male cat blogger amongst most of us female ones … ha ha! How can one not be addicted to blogging, it is so fulfilling and so much fun to meet all of the wonderful other bloggers out there.
Have a wonderful day,
Momma Jan (and Sabrina, Sam and Simon too)
Ah, look at the cuties! I have to say, there is something really appealing about the looks of the cats and kittens around your area. They have a really exotic look.
Congratulations on your award, and thanks ever so much for thinking of us, too!
Mom says our youngest bean read a whole bunch of books about kittehs that could fly like yours, and they were called, “Catwings”! Wouldn’t it be cool if we had wings and could catch birdies even easier?
How did those kittehs really get up on that roof. Highest we could go is up on the tall counter. One day we are shooting for the top of the refrigerator!
Ah, cats and internet. You can’t leave either behind 🙂
Oh, we didn’t realize we received an award. Thank you, all of you.
Blogging can become addictive. We enjoy reading the pet blogs and looking at the pictures.
purrs and tail wags
Seeing outside cats is very happy thing, because our world still have love to take care them~!
Thanks for sharing these lovely adorable cats!
Thanks so much for the award. My internet connection at home is so crappy that I can’t do much visiting or blogging. Can’t even do the addiction test. Probably get a high score anyway. Arghhhhhhh!
Wow, THANKS FOR THE AWARD!!! Mommy and all us Taylor CatSSSSS are deeply honored!