I’m sure that some of you might realize that I have been rather busy and been travelling quite often out the state just to grab whatever job available just to make ends meet. The kitties indeed needed more for their diet since all of them are way past their adulthood.Read More →

Whenever I see the photo of 3 month’s old little Patch, I could vividly remember how active he was at such a tender age. He was quite a jumper and would greet me whenever I was there at his bean’s shop. He can be quite a licker too at theRead More →

This week’s theme is GARBAGE.I wondered who taught my cats to talkGARBAGE all these while.Whenever there were chaotic incidents in the house,there tend to be a lot of excuses and innocent looks.I always gave have to withdraw my anger wheneverI see those great big pairs of pathetic eyes…not forgetting theirRead More →

This week’s theme is PINK.When you mention about PINK,there’s always something in this householdthat would get every kitties excited.It’s the PINK bowl that I’ll use to mix their food.For the last 3 months,I have been using this PINK bowl on a PINK plateto mix two types of cat food (withRead More →

Every second, every minute, every hour, every day and every month for the last one year had brought back many fond memories. They were so small when they first came into this world and they had given me lots of happiness and headaches (which kitten won’t create havoc at homeRead More →

This week’s theme is LOCK.The owner of this blog has been LOCKed inhis room by his cats for many daysdue to the outbreak of a virus in the house…and the virus only affects humans…Here’s what happened… Frankly speaking, many people would surely LOCK me back in my room if theyRead More →

With a household of nine fast growing up cats, there would always be endless streams of breakages, health issues and vet bills. What more when there are so many innocent strays around my neighborhood which at times would have some emergency issues. I must admit that I have the guiltRead More →

This week’s theme is ADVERTISEMENT. I did put up an ADVERTISEMENT last yearto seek adoption for my four-months old kittens.Times had been really bad then when every singlecents saved would make a great difference.Somehow, I managed to stretch the fundsnot only to keep my beautiful babies but alsoto help outRead More →

This week’s theme is BOOK.Reading would be something that one should not forgoas it’s part of our journey in life to become successful.That’s the reason I would always encouragemy “kids” to read more BOOKs… THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members, please click Mister Linky aboveRead More →

This week’s theme is PLASTIC.Some people will say “Curiosity kills a cat”.Well, it may happen when it involved an item like PLASTIC.For the case of Jimmy and Joey,it’s definitely not arising from PLASTIC poisoning buta matter of being honest and truthful between siblings.Certain things ought to be shared though… THANKRead More →