That’s what I’m having now – the fear of illness. Things have not been fine over here in the J Family. It is really chaotic and stressful with one after another getting sick. I had always wanted to write more but I could not due to the situations and lethargy. Here’s the latest development of everyone.


You must be wondering what were those blue black red yellow spots on my back right? I’m still suffering from acute neck and back pain. I could barely sit or bend for a long time. I have seen many doctors and tried many products but all did not work. That’s the results of undergoing chiropathy and acupressure. Those may look sore at first but eventually the pain would go away and it did for my lower back problems earlier.

With all sickness around now affecting all of us, things have been very rough. While I have been taking care of my own sickness, the kitties had their medical needs to be taken care of too. The Furriends of the Cat Blogosphere had offered to assist me, Moki and Cody with a raffle. This time it’s a Pearl White Sony Boombox which is also iPod compatible. Please drop by to help us by buying some raffle tickets for the better of our needy kitties. Thanks ML for helping out. I appreciate it a lot during this rough time.

I sincerely hope that someone would help out in my dilemma over here as caring for 9 kitties and many strays around the neighborhood has never been easy, especially when most of my kitties fell sick at the same time… please do click on any of my Nuffnang Ads (if they are showing something) or feel free to donate (at my left side bar) if you feel like showing more generosity. Thank you.

Latest Update 3.00pm: Argh!!! Joey was affected now with vomit and diarrhea even after all the precautions taken to separate all of them.


  1. Gosh, things are certainly tough your end. SS will see what she can do. Look after yourself and the kitties. I am purring my hardest and bestest.

  2. We're sorry that you and the kitties are doing it so tough at the moment Criz. We'll keep purring for you all to get better.


    Gypsy & Tasha

  3. Sorry to hear such bad news. Being tired for a cat is nearly normal if I look at Arthur ! He must have got a stitch from a Tse tse fly !
    I hope that things will get better and that you get some help. Of course I click on everything you want me to click on !

  4. We’re so sorry all this is happening. Jan remembers what it’s like to be sick and in pain and still have to take care of sick animals.

    Hang in there. We know it’s tough going right now, but don’t let go of the rope. There has to be an end in sight.

  5. We’re sending healing thoughts and purrs for you and the wholeJ cat family.

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