This week’s theme is on STRING(S).
Not so long ago, I was working on quite a number of
paper bags projects for my local market consumptions.
As there were strict Quality Control involved,
I ended up with a lot of colorful nylon STRINGS.
I brought those STRINGS home as I knew that
the kitties would love to play with them.
Not so long ago, I was working on quite a number of
paper bags projects for my local market consumptions.
As there were strict Quality Control involved,
I ended up with a lot of colorful nylon STRINGS.
I brought those STRINGS home as I knew that
the kitties would love to play with them.

For those PhotoHunt members, please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!
Aww Criz they look so cute, Happy weekend
Beautiful pics! My girls love to play with strings too or the kiddo’s shoelaces etc. 🙂 Happy photo hunting, and thank you for stopping by!
Sweet kittens with a great toy…string.
Hi Criz – what a lot of stings. Your cats must be happy to play with those. 🙂
Cute! 😀 Come see mine – not nearly as cute, though.
You and my hubby take the prize for putting words in the mouths of kitties!!! You guys are so funny!
Love your kitties and your photos.
What would we do without them?
Happy weekend
Those are great strings. I think that’s the best photo hunt theme for a cat!
Enjoyed that story … they’re so cute.
Cats always get my vote. I just love their logic.
Cats and string were made for each other. They look a bit apprehensive, what were you saying to them? Have a good weekend Criz.
I can imagine my kids making a mess out of those strings at home if they have them!!!
…….crawls back to bed, lagee sakit 🙁
They are cute 🙂
Please don’t tell me all those strings are only used for the cats to play with! ;D
hmm always have pretty entry…
Mine is here
once again, hilarious.
I bet your kitties LOVED the strings. great choice for the theme.
happy weekend.
Wow I love your string collection, lol ! looks very colorful !
I also read your posts below, how interesting and I love the pictures !
You always have a creative photos 😀
thanks drop at my ph post.
Sooooo cute! Mine is similar, but not as colourful!
Cats pulling string? Heee…is that how “pull string” came from..LOL!
Aha! I love seeing kitties playing with strings!
Purzzzzzzzzzz, just look at all my bright new toy strings mama!!!
My strings are strung and strummed…come join me if you can find some time today! Happy Hunting!!!
Very funny! Your entry for strings was very entertaining and creative. ;o)
You can’t go wrong with shots of kittens. Especially pics of cats and string. GREAT contribution! Mine’s up, also. Happy Photo Hunting!
Looks like you have a STRING hoarder. ~S, S & C
Awww..they’re adorable~ Cute Cats,as awlays Criz!~Mine is HERE if you have a time! Thanks! Happy PH!
LOL… The string on a stick toy is my kitties’ favorite toy. They would go nuts over your kitties’ colorful collection.
Kitties and strings – two great tastes that taste great together!
Fun stuff!
Do stop by when you can –
Your cats tell such good stories.
Such pretty kitties and they look so happy to finally have their strings. I loved your post.
Cute kitties with strings. Nice!
Pretty, as well as safe strings!
I sure do hope Jolyn is making friends. She is such a pretty girl.
~ KittyBoy
Strings! Strings! Look at all those strings! Woohoo!
I knew you guys would have a good one this week for strings!
Great photos,………….. they are getting so big. Have a wonderful weekend.
Your cats are so photogenic. Great take on the string(s) theme.
Ooo … I think that I’d have a whole lot of fun with those nylon strings, too. I like to get into Mom’s shoppin’ bags an’ hide so that I can POP out at the Feline Americans!
Hi there!
New photo hunter here 🙂
Love your string photos. Your cats are so cute!!
Hope you have a super Sunday!
Hahaha…… you and your string of cats style playing…
They are so cute!
Love your story!
Hahahahaha!!!! OK! You win,you have the most strings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the colours too!
Purrs Mickey
Hi Chriz, how does that pet friends list in the sidebar work? I’d like to pick up the code for it 🙂 Ellen
Strings players lol