This week’s theme is on SELF.
I will show you what will happen if you have too many kitties in
the house fighting to gain your attention and affection.
There would be never ending of scratches and scars on mySELF. Look at the guilt on Jeremy’s face…
Look at how Jeremy shared his responsibility with Janice…
Now you know why it never gets bored in the J Family… Haha!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members,
please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!
Shave your legs and got cut by the razors dun blame the poor Js lar!!! *ROFL*
That is lots of cats you having there..
I’m sure you don’t mind for those scars…
Those scars are a testament to your love for your babies 🙂
Great entries, Criz! nice take this week;)
Ouch! Be careful, Criz.
Have a fun weekend with your kitties 🙂
Too funny Criz. They don’t look too guilty to me. All in a day’s kitty work. Have a good weekend.
That is one of the great things about not having a cat.
oh my how painful
Isn’t it just part of life with kitties Criz! I hope they don’t leave the scar that my Ted left above my eye.. but then he is bad tempered! Have a great weekend
True loyalty to put up with all those scratches! You all need to stop scratching daddy all the time. Great photos and have a good week.
Had fun reading your story! Th scars though looks painful but love for your cats must made you not mind them at all.
It’s very normal in my house~~
Take care!!!!
Glad you are back~~ They need your arm to bite~~~ Daddy’s meat is the best!
Aha if you have dogs you’ll get this too. Kekeke.
Fank you for leaving purrs!
You won’t believe me if I tells you,Mom Bean has ALOTS of ‘splainin!!! Stop by when you has a chance its a miracle!
Cat scratch fever!!! I have them too. With two kitties here, how can you not, right?
Mine’s posted. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”. [and it’s not what you think! ::giggles::]
ooeps….how many cats do you have 😀
Mine in here Thanks
is that ALL you cats…wow..
My post in here Thanks
Now those are battle scars lol!! I get quite a few myself 🙂
Great take on the the theme! Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a great weekend. My PH entry is here:
My Life In The Urban Zoo
G’day Criz! Yep – I got one of those on my leg right now. 🙂 Hope you’re having a good weekend. 🙂
Those scratches will definitely leave marks and be permanently part of you!
Ouch. The kitties have left their mark. Happy weekend.
Can’t have cats without the scratches – they go hand in hand.
Great pictures, your cats look adorable! I’m always covered in scratches too, but with 5 cats running around the house, how can you not… 🙂
oh thats hurts …thanks for teh comment and visiting my blog…TC happy weekend..
ouch that looks painful! but nice take on the theme 🙂
Oh I have a selection of scrapes and scratches just like that! And I have only one cat 🙂
Thanks for visiting earlier. Have a good weekend 🙂
That is a lot of scratches you got! My Mommie has some of those, too. I will not reveal how she got them though.
Ouch! Those scratches look new too!
very nice post criz, have a great hunt
Ouch, they sure do like to play don’t they?!
Thanks for dropping by. Happy Hunting from CrAzY Working Mom.
Great post!! I remember my arms being like that too when I had cats.
Happy Weekend.
your cats are cute!!
your picture is so kinky and confusing…i love it!
I remember having lots of scratches when I had cats–I can imagine.
ouchie. creative.
thanks for the nice comment on my post.
happy weekend.
I know those sorts of scratches all too well! Thanks for stopping by Spatter…
I salute you for caring so many cats and not caring for your well being. Cats are cute man, but if they scratch you with their claws? dude you have to let them go! Have a nice weekend!
OUCH! are cats great? 😆
great pics.
view mine if you wish here thanks 🙂
they are just too cute !!!!
Pearl – happy weekend
You know my human looks a bit like that.
but great take on the theme 🙂
ouch! You sure do get scratched up!
At the moment I am scar free, but ask Scylla about my lip sometime. It bleed forever……….~Alsandra
oh my!!! nice one for today’s theme… “self” which reminds me the quote,,, We are all primary numbers divisible only by ourselves…. Have a great weekend!
Mom’s got a few scars, but it’s from our cousin Tucker Scissorhands, not us. We’re front-declawed.
Yes! Be careful! They love you too much! Happy Hunting!
WOW!!! Those kitties are fighting to love you and you have the scratches to prove it 🙂
Are they love bites ? heehee
O, owie! I’s very careful not to scratch my beans… too much. Yup, I has a short-haired Mom an, wul, long-haired Dad!
Ask any cat who made those scars, and he’ll say, “Knot Mee!”
next time wear padding 🙂
Ahhhh yes, I remember scratches like that many years ago from one kitten/cat I had for over 10 years. Great choice for the theme.
My post is here:
Photo Hunters
Or visit my whole blog:
I Was Born2Cree8
Oh they can be mean mean babies sometimes.
Ouch! I see some naughty kitties! Thanks for visiting.
Besides your scratched “self” the kitty pictures are adorable !!
Cat owners without scratches are no cat lovers! I am proud to show my cat scratches.
Those scars are worth having those cute and lovable cats.
Nice shots as well as captions.
Why do we put up with them?! It must be something to do with love!
the first photo says it all. great take! thanks for the visit. 🙂
wow @_@ that’s major keganasan. hahaha. that’s a great twist on the entry 😛 i was expecting some self portrait of the J family 😛
Oh my, I guess sometimes those kitties like playing rough games.