I hope this issue will be posted up as my internet line is still having some problems. I hope to get my new ISP up by the end of this week or so. It has been a hectic week for many out there as there were planning for my birthday, the launch of CCSI III – The Missing Mummy Caper and Mothers’ Day. I had a tiring weekend too, considering that I have to cook dinner for 8 persons at my parent’s place to celebrate Mothers’ Day, not forgetting to my 6 other brats at my the own home. Hey, don’t be surprised. I can cook too! 😛 I’m not going to share the yummy photos here since most of you have promised to stay on diet after the party, right? Hehe…Well, the food was not so special after all, they were just Japanese Fried Teriyaki Udon (noodles) with big prawns, shitake mushrooms and lots of vegetables, Shrimp Paste Fried Chicken Thigh, Grilled Pork Ribs in Tomato Wine Sauce, Stuffed Dough Stick with Salad Cream, and desserts such as Honeyed Sea Coconut with Lemon and of course a Homemade Apple Cheese Cake. 😛 Gosh… I see some of you drooling here… haha 😛 Anyway, this week’s cover model is Momo, the Marketing Executive for CCSI III. After weeks of working hard to market the production as well as corresponding with all the casts and crews of CCSI, she has decided to seek some tokens of appreciation for a work well done from her bean slave, SS. Check out the blog for more details. Pearl, Bert and Jake, the PBJ Cats had problems trying to convince their parents to let them out of the house since an intruder came knocking into their area. Is the intruder a cat eater? Why would she be there in the first place? Jump in to find out more on what happened. How would Meezers celebrate Mothers’ Day? Check out the latest happenings in Sabrina, Sam and Simon’s blog, the St. Louis Meezers to see what they were doing then. What would happen if two cheeky cats, Chica and Pumuckl, were stranded in Egypt with the Pharaoh, Sphinx and two funny parents? You will end up having a funny family with endless of joy and laughs doing the Egyptian dance. ***playing “Walk Like An Egyptian”*** 😛 Sassy and the Executives of Little Productions, had successfully released the latest CCSI series titled The Missing Mummy Caper. The show was a huge success with the involvement of many kitties, woofies and a wabbit throughout the blogosphere. If you have not seen the show yet, please do not miss the opportunity and jump into the blog right now. The show comes in Part I and Part II.
As the script writer of CCSI III – The Missing Mummy Caper, I would like to present this Excellence award to each and every one of the production team members, crews and casts of CCSI III for a job well done. Please feel free to grab the award from here and proudly display it in your website or blog. Well done everyone for such a great performance. Do keep an eye on the future CCSI productions. Who knows, you may be turned into a star over night. Have a great week ahead! 🙂
I really like the idea of CCSI #3!
And another great cover of Catsophere!!
What an honor to see CCSI III: Missing Mummy Caper on the cover of your magazine and also and better yet my sissy, Momo. She well deserves the recognition for working long hard hours helping to make the smallest of details be coomplete to make CCSI come together in the end.
And I would like to thank you so much for the award for our production of CCSI III. I will proudly display this on my blog.
It has been a pleasure working with you and I hope in the future we will soon be working together again.
I really loved the CCSI 3 episodes! I was so worried about Mama being missing and Papa hurting his head and bleeding, but then I was very glad that there was a happy ending.
Thank you for the award. ~Scylla
We love the fact MoMo is on the cover of your magazine. ~Socks, S & C
WooooHoooooo!!!!!! CCSI cast, crew and I are on a magazine cover!!!!!!! What an honour – my one and only claim to fame! Thankyou ++++++ !!!! I am over the moon – especially if the moon is made of cheese.
SS is drooling over your real Mother’s Day dinner. Why she doesn’t learn to how to cook properly is beyond me as she loves eating so much.
Thankyou for the award, Criz. You run a very interesting magazine there. My cousin Momo is on the front page – what a hoot! Oh, oh, oh, CCSI is, too! Hey, that was one great script. I enjoyed being part of the team.
You sound like a wonderful cook. Anytime you want to adopt another kitty, just let me know.
Thank you furr the award, I really enjoyed playing my part in the latest CCSI.
Hello, this is my first visit here.
That is a great magazine and MoMo being on the front cover! She is beautiful.
Purrs, Sukie Livvie & Mitzi X
CCSI was wonderful! Looking forward
to more wonderful productions!
Criz!!! I cannot tell you enough how much fun I had acting in CCSI: THe Missing Mummy Caper!!!!!
You did a great writing job 🙂
Purrs Mickey
What a wonderful magazine. This is the first time we see an issue of it and we are mentioned… WOW! Thank you so much 🙂
And Momo just fits too well on the cover. What a beautiful cover girl 😉