Jamie is devastated as her 4 years old beagle, Zoey, had gone missing since 24 April 2008. Please display this badge in your blog and get your friends in Franklin, Kentucky, USA to help find Zoey.
This week’s theme is on UNIQUE / FUNNY SIGNS.
SIGNS are mean to direct or pass certain messages across to the people.
Sometimes, people might have different perception on the messages.
Although I’m from the advertising sector here in Malaysia,
I still think that the advertising agency which handled this
BILLBOARD here ought to be shot for not doing proper researches and
test run before setting up such a huge BILLBOARD.
Two of the complaints that I had received are that the two figurine up there
looked eerie especially when you are traveling alone after midnight.
Moreover, they looked rather risky and insecure for those people traveling below the BILLBOARD. As for the second complaint, just read and understand
the message in the BILLBOARD. Janice will tell you here about the combination of the two figurines and the message as in the BILLBOARD meant to most public.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND VISIT! For those PhotoHunt members,
please click Mister Linky above and enter your information for easy tracking.
Thank you and have a Nice Weekend!
i agree with you- the advertising company may have been a little too risque in choosing the tactics to advertise their clients’ innovations… it’s one thing to get people’s attention, but it’s also another to cause anxiety and worry… but then again, where did i hear it, that bad publicity is still publicity… interesting take on today’s topic =] great weekend to you!
OMG! I would have been so scared and drive my car into trees or the railings! What were they thinking!?
Hmm that’s not quite the right message. It almost says bnak with us our kiss our butts! Happy weekend
Well, obviously they should have hired Janice to be their spokescat!
That’s an interesting advertising company! We’re looking forward to posting our photohunt this week, as we’ve missed the last couple!
Those people are funny!!
I must agree that the SIGNS are disconcerting.Looking up and seeing two boys would be shocking!
Seeing their ‘butts’ is not very polite. I agree with Jams O Donnell
Hope you are feeling better
These are very unique signs.
I think it would be very distracting to drive by them!
Actually I’ve got the desire to pull down their pants wor!!! 😛
How’s the fever coming along? Feeling better already I hope 🙂
We all stopped in to say hey. Momo, Opus, and Roscoe are spending the weekend with me, we are having a pajama party.
I sometimes don’t agree with some of the advertising that is shown. I guess they just try to get your attention and don’t think about anything else.
Very strange thinking going on those heads Criz Lai. Have a good weekend.
I agree those weren’t well thought out billboards. Good take on the theme.
that is so unique, odd and pretty funny! Talk about something you don’t see every day.
Definitely the sign is sending negative messages. Great photo for PH this week.
Mindy & Moe
I had to laugh at the second billboard because I’m not too sure I can BANK that that’s a secure board. Scary.
Happy PH!
Hmm. Wouldn’t make me want to bank there…
They are unique! They get your attention. Love your signs!
interesting advertising there! i can just imagine the people driving by and thinking scary thoughts!
happy weekend
Now that’s an interesting billboard. It certainly gets people’s attention.
Hah! Very funny.
Thanks for stopping by my SPH this week. Happy hunting.
Tisha @ CrAzY Working Mom
That is really strange, all right.
Hey – hope you are having a good weekend. 🙂
Leslie of Kaleidoscope
this is a very creative PH entry
are those for real?? do they really think they could gain customer’s trust with that kind of advertising??
-ideru of http://ideru.kansaiblogger.com
I agree with you. Sometimes we pass by some billboard & we wonder what were they thinking when they designed it!
Blur Mommy @Just My Rambling
BUTT it is catchy
Good examples and how NOT to advertise! great signs for the theme.
My pic is posted here. Happpy PH and happy weekend!
And yet someone’s put a lot of thought into them.
I’m glad Janice is taking part too!
Ooo… where are these billboards? 😀
The first billboard was kind of strange to put life-like beings up there. The second though, a little hard sell.
My photo hunt’s up here if you have time to visit.
How did you manage to keep your eyes on the road? LOL!
This is too much. But it definitely fits the category for the week.
Mine’s posted…stop by and see if you can figure it all out!!
in Singapore I’ve seen buses that uses 3 dimensional effects but this one is total radical!…hahahaha..that’s true i wonder what investors will think…hehehe
Pearl – have a good weekend
You have an eye for those things – and well seen too!
I totally agree with you and what great photos too!!!
Happy weekend
Unique but funny.
Happy weekend!
An advertising company with a strange sense of humour, lol !
and they will say, I made you look, very effective advertising
Thank you, greatly, for helping spread the word for Zoey. I pray someone will use the internet and see she’s mine and email/call me!
That would be an unsettling thing to see if you weren’t expecting it!
Thanks for telling me about the badge you made – I’ve posted it and given you a link.
thats so funny what a unique sign 😆 thanx for visiting mine
I agree with your point as well, hehehe~!
That first one does look a little bit eerie! And showing of the backsides seems a little rude, too.
I hope you are feeling better today.
interesting billboards but scary at the same time. what if you’re new in the area and you drive pass thru this sign with two persons hanging on the board? i’m sure the sight will freak you out a bit.
UNIQUE indeed! 😉 and thanks for checking out my entry at http://www.blogsilog.com 🙂
Criz, actually I think the back of the billboard is funny, no? 😀
That’s a pretty unique billboard. totally different.
lol! Wacky!!! Hope you’re doing great there! TC!
wow…advertising, both in public and on TV has really reached some dead ends! lol…Sis (KissedAlotAtoads) and I have been missing a few weeks, our brother is very ill….and Cindy computer has died…but we both missed you!! my hunt is up, please come and visit again!
We’ve seen cows on billboards, but not this!
Great find for sign!
There is going to be a law in Australia forbidding billboards that distract the driver too much! Not sure if the first would make the grade.
Hope you are feeling better.
Great take on today’s theme with your sign but like another said that the message was a bit disconcerting!
looking very nice
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