The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover. My vet was surprised to see me back so soon after Janice’s fever case a few days back. To me, I get another feeling towards his sincerity. The expressions in his eyes were of that of a cash register when he saw me bringing in Jessica and the 4 kittens due to the emergencies I had on Sunday. Even his smile was rather false to me. Haha… Well, it sure will earn him a lot this time. What have my cats and kittens been doing? Weren’t they supposed to chase off the mice which bite through my pocket nightly? 😛 Let’s start with Jessica. She was up and jumping when I took her to the vet. Nothing was wrong with her except that it could be due to exhaustion. As for her vomiting, it’s a reaction from a mix of dry and wet food and it will take some time before her tummy can accept a change of food. She was given some vitamins for that.
The worst case was with Jeremy. Not only did he sprain his paw, he has some fresh red blood in his stool. The vet did a thorough checkup on him and found that he may have hematochezia or colitis, an inflammation on his intestine which will develop diarrhea with stain of blood and mucus. Even the vet had prescribed some medication for that, I have still to monitor him closely for the next few days. It could be due to giardiasis or even stress. Although I consider my vet a money face person, he still gave me some good advices. For example, I will need to monitor Jeremy’s condition on a check list. Gosh! I thought I have stopped schooling and now I need to do this again.. Haha. Anyway, here are part of the long list that I will have to do for the next a week or so. I have to check on his stool if it has fresh blood (Gosh!), frequencies of his bowel movements, drinking, urinating, vomiting, poor appetite, weight, diarrhea, lethargy, related illness, etc. @_@
Did I just hear stress? What stress can he have when all he ever does is to eat, play, sleep and disturbing others in their sleep? The only thing I can think of is that he is just over active and wanted to play all the time but the rest required their beauty sleeps. Will that really cause him to have stress? Hmm… maybe it’s the scolding for his bad habit of not wanting to use a proper litter place? It should not be that as the rest also received the same treatments and they have learned well. It’s only him who has always been that stubborn. (Well, if you have great advice on this, do let me know as I have ran out of ideas how to toilet train him)
Justin had minor sprain paw. He was jumping up and down this morning. That shows he has somehow recovered in just two days. At least the panic has gone away… but not for long as you can see him back in action behaving as if he is the Lion King. Haha…
As for Justin, Jayson and Janice, all of them have clean bills of health.
Hey! Do you remember that I was mentioning about how hard it is to check on Justin’s stool to check if he is affected by the parasites? Here is the reason why!
For your information, I did not train him to do that. He did that all the time on his own. What a smart kitty he is. Anyway, I hope everyone here are having a great week ahead. See you around.
I am so crazy in LOVE the last photo, so so cute~~~~
You are really bad photo him on his important do, LOL!
OMG ! that’s a lot to do ! what a brave cat he is going on the toilet ! I couldn’t check anything here because they mostly do their business outside. I have to say we are both very “posh” people ! You have a stressed cat (very in fashion, everybody is stressed) and I have a depressed cat (that’s also in fashion) I wonder what we have done to earn this, lol !
Wow, maybe Justin is the genius in the bunch, eh? About the vet, I guess if he gives good advice it’s okay but if my vet looked at my pets that way (ka-ching) I’d be finding a new doctor. The gang’s vet is kind, caring and like a fussy old hen about their health, lol. Speaking of which, hope your gang is all better soon!
What a great set of photos! They are all so cute. The last one of course is great, love the expression.
We don’t have much advice on potty training. When we came to our forever home, we were already trained and have two litter boxes, one upstairs and another one main floor. We had a bit more snow last night, but it is mild again so now we have lots of fog. Have a good day.
Mindy & MOe
Wonderful shots. I love the expression in the last one! LOL
No advice. I have had some that will not train.
You are having so much stress Criz, I am so sorry and I really do hope things return to happy and normal very soon. I hate the little one has colitis. I thought sure it would just be a worm and easy to treat.
My oldest boy, Darius, would not use a liter box. As a kitten he hated it and he would leave me pee or poop to show he was mad. He likes to go outside. I let him out and he comes back and scratches at the door to come back in. He will come get you when he has to go outside to potty. He has been like that since a little kitten and I don’t know if yours is allowed to go outside but that may be it. Some cats just don’t want to share a liter box with other cats and are private. And I think it happens more to boys.
You are taking such good care of your cats! And we like your pictures. But we like your cats even more, hahahahahahahaha!
Oh no! Sorry to hear so many of you had to go to the vet! Sending lots of healing purrs your way!
Dragonheart had blood in his stool for a while last year, and it turned out to be food allergies. He is allergic to chicken, so we are fed an organic venison food that doesn’t bother his tummy.
No advice on the potty training. We both use our litterboxes.
That is a very cute photo on the last one.
Those are such cute photos. I suppose trips to the vet with so many cats are part of “sanctuary life.”
Adorable pictures as always!
I hope all your kitties are
feeling better now. Happy COT!
Hi Criz: the photos are fantastic as always. I’m sorry you are having your vet problems; I’m sure they will clear up soon. I read the story of your stray at the top of the blog — what a heartbreaking story. Thank goodness you are there for him. I know he will come back and can be treated.
Good luck trying to monitor Jeremy. With more than one cat it is so hard to see who eats, drinks, potties, etc.
I don’t have much advice on litter box training. If it is inappropriate urination only, it could be a marking the territory thing. If a cat has a favorite spot to go, I have heard that tin foil over the spot deters them (they hate the noise), as does a strong lemon scent.
Good luck! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. I hope your wallet is feeling better too!
What a lot of kitties! glad to hear someone is taking them in. But your vet bill must be crippling. Have you thought of a change of career???
I’ve known a few cats who think litter boxes are not clean (and secretly I agree with them) If your drain doesn’t deal with cat pooh, suggest you hang a net in there and empty it down the loo twice a day. One of my friends in Indonesia did this and it worked fine.