This week’s theme is ORANGE.An ORANGE may have high Vitamin C in thembut overdose of Vitamin C would not be good for the body.Although non-toxic, it may cause diarrhea, kidney stones,nausea and tamper with the analysis of blood work results.Just look at Mrs. Mousey who loves ORANGES a lot…Something wentRead More →

This week’s theme is ARTIFICIAL.We have often come across many things in our life,physically, materialistically or emotionally relatedwhich could be real ARTIFICIAL…Sometimes, it hurts to find out the reality…Sometimes, it would give some mystical suspense…Sometimes, it would take time to mend our hearts…But… it’s part and parcel of our lifeRead More →

This week’s theme is LOW.There are so many definitions for the word “LOW”and I think I practically covered some of them here.In this house, there’s never a LOW supply of foodto feed the growing “kids”.You would see what I meant down here…when hunger strikes!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME ANDRead More →

This week’s theme is UTENSILS.Having many kitchen UTENSILS around can be usefulif you are a good cook with enough of knowledgeto detect what’s right and wrong.If I were to be a beginner,Jimmy would have had the worst nightmare of his life… Disclaimer: No cats are directly or indirectly harmed duringRead More →

This week’s theme is ROCK(S).Living on an island with many surrounding little islands,there would surely be lots of ROCKS along the beach front.Mother Nature has her way to provide some sourceof livelihood to those living by these beaches.Even the sharp looking barnacles on the ROCKShave some shares in this privilege.Read More →

I’m sure that some of you might realize that I have been rather busy and been travelling quite often out the state just to grab whatever job available just to make ends meet. The kitties indeed needed more for their diet since all of them are way past their adulthood.Read More →

Whenever I see the photo of 3 month’s old little Patch, I could vividly remember how active he was at such a tender age. He was quite a jumper and would greet me whenever I was there at his bean’s shop. He can be quite a licker too at theRead More →

This week’s theme is GARBAGE.I wondered who taught my cats to talkGARBAGE all these while.Whenever there were chaotic incidents in the house,there tend to be a lot of excuses and innocent looks.I always gave have to withdraw my anger wheneverI see those great big pairs of pathetic eyes…not forgetting theirRead More →