The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover. Daddy has been so tight up with his work that I do not have anyone to play with. I’m real stressed out! I want somebody to play with me now!! Let’s play a game of “Follow the Leader”. The rules are simple. Follow what the Cat Leader highlighted in the grey box is doing and you get some points. The more points you get, the longer your play time will be extended.
Let’s start the game by clicking the cat in the box now.
See! Now you do not have to be so stressed out anymore Janice 🙂
Hahaha ! cute game and cute pictures too ! Lisa is not stressed I think she thinks she is pregnant,and never was ! Female cats sometimes have surprises for us ! I only hope your Jessica doesn’t have the same as Lisa, when she was 6 years old she suddenly started to spray and pee everywhere ! Even on Mr. Gattino’s leg once. The vet said it’s hormonal, nothing helps but medication, these anti pee sprays don’t help at all. Lisa still does it from time to time, there is nothing to do, fortunately it doesn’t smell ! I have tried EVERYTHING even asked here all cat bloggers. No mean helped ! Hope you have more luck !
Funny game, thank you for sharing! Now I´m also not stressed! Although in Germany the day begins. I had a stressed morning.
Happy Tuesday!
It looks like a very very fun game!!
I think the cat image on the game is just like your babies, very cute and clever~!!!!
Cute pics of the kitties, but SS wishes she has time to play the game. Maybe later!
That’s a fun game! 🙂 You are all so cute! 🙂
What a cute game and a great stress reliever to boot! P.S. Don’t work so hard at your job, that’s a good stress reliever too 😉
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Um, Mom’s a little bit stressed now, the cats couldn’t do what she wanted them to!
I just saw that Panther is home and I am so glad. I would still like to make adonation but can not do so via Pay Pal. Is there an address I could send a money order to? Please let me know at:
Games are a great stress reliever!
Great game!!!! Very cute.
We can sympathize with the stress. We will go and check out that game.
Thanks for featuring Luna in CATOSPHERE #11 🙂
what a fun cat game!!
I think I did very well.
It is good not to be stressed, however EVERYONE has to participate 😀
That is a good way to keep busy!
Hah, mom already plays to many games…’pick up da kleenex’ ‘feed da man’ ‘clean da litter’ ‘wash da clotheses’ dem is all good games fur her.
Nice game!! Thanks 🙂
Purrs Mickey
Glad to see you back with all those
sweet kitties. Stress has a way
of sneaking into your life, when
your not looking! Great game!
Very cute game and photos! I love it!