The link above is where cat lovers all over the world gathered and share their updates on their pets on every Tuesday. Feel free to drop in if you are a cat lover. It is always amusing to watch the reactions of animals, especially of different breeds and species trying to interact with another. Cat is one species that has the in-built curiosity and would like to find out more about another creature that they had yet to see, especially when the other creature is smaller than them. Since I have an empty aquarium in the house, my friend had decided to rear an albino hedgehog in it since getting a ferret would be even costlier than getting a kitten. But I so much wanted a ferret because it can play with the kitties. Sob~ Sob~ 😛 All the juniors decided to stay away from it, except for Mama Jessica who kept on going into the aquarium to steal the food the hedgehog was having (actually those are some puppy food when worm supplies are low). She’s indeed a mafia mama… haha! Wasted! I did not get the chance to shoot some photos when she was in the aquarium. Papa Jonathan initially kept his distance from the hedgehog until one day when he heard some scratching noises coming from upstairs when my friend was preparing to feed the hedgehog with some freshly bought worms. He became adventurous and decided to check on the hedgehog at a closer distance. Luckily, I had my camera fully charged to shoot some photos of the whole incident. The story goes as below:
This is the wonder of having a pet at home, what more six kitties, two strays, eight fishes and one hedgehog now. Haha… Life would never be a bore anymore 🙂
I have never seen an albino hedgehog…he is kind of cute isn’t he? Poor kitties have to be good to their guest now…It is a wonder they do not try to eat or attach the hedgehock out of instinct to hunt!
Wow we have never seen an albino hedgehog before. It’s so interesting looking.
Wow, you have a white hedgehoggie ?!?
I´m so impressed. Never seen an albino hedgehog. He looks cute!
Oh, our son always want to have a ferret too, but we have no place, it need a lot of place… more space than in an empty aquarium is…
We have a wild hedgehog in the garden. the cats stay away from it too.They know why it is better ;o)
Happy Tuesday!
You’re living in a zoo – lucky thing!
Yes forgot about the party. At the moment I would forget my own head if it weren’t screwed on. Too much work and not enough time. Sorry!
Wow, we’ve never seen a creature like that before! A hedgehog? An albino hedgehog! Wow! Have fun with your new housemate!
Your albino hedgehog is very cute. I’m glad that the kitties keep their distance, except for the occasional food swiping.
This is a funny hedgehog! I have never seen an albino hedgehog before… 🙂 And actually I have also never heard to have a hedgehog in home… must be fun! 🙂
What a cutie albino hedgehog! Looks like a nice new friend. 🙂
I made a slideshow of Freyja & Maia playing.
He’s very cute, but we might think he is also delcious!
Mama Jessica, you’re so funny!
What a neat Hedgehog! We had a hedgehog cousin once – but he was brown.
We have never seen an albino hedgehog before. It’s so interesting …He looks cute!
I wanted to share some pictures of our new pet …
I haven’t ever seen an albino hedgehog before, either. He looks cool!
Hi, my line is hopeless slow again this evening. Hope to come back and comment Wenesday.
I didn’t realize hedgehogs were so tiny! Is he a baby?
The mowe the mewwiew
It looks like you have a vewy fun and loving home
smoochie kisses
I love this one! The red flash
eyed hedgehog is tooo funny!
Tell me how did the cats react
to the Hedgehog? And are Hedgehogs
hard to care for? My tween would
love a cool pet like this!!
Have a good day Criz!
Hey that’s a cute albino hedgehog! So cute! SS loves it but I’m not so sure myself.
pleasure to meet you, we found a link to you at the blogosphere…but my meowmie has a phobia about worms so we had to scroll VERY FAST past the pictures of the hog and the worms! x
OMG what a cute hedgehog! I’m glad he is safe. I am sure that in the wild he would be at high risk. Thank you for helping me lift my spirits and for your visit, Criz.
I also have never seen an albino hedgehog before — or any other kind of hedgehog, for that matter. It’s very good of you all to be so nice to it. Good thing that it doesn’t like cat food, though.
That’s really interesting, the white hedgehog.
Cool photos, I didn’t know that there were albion hedgehogs. He is a cutie.
I have a meme for you stop on over and pick it up, I think you will like it.
@_@ !!!!
Hedgehog?!?! Cute in size and color, but the eyes… *shivers*
Criz, you can open mini pet safari already 😛