Tomorrow will be the first blogoversary of The Cat Realm. Karl will be holding a lizard BBQ party and all are welcome. You can drop by and enjoy the food (yummy lizards and bugs), drinks (Domaine Le Royaume De Chat 1996 and Lizquila Cuervo Especial) and party all night long with the No. 1 Cat Mariachi Band – The Los Gatos. If you have caught any exotic creatures recently, you can always bring along and share with the rest. I felt shy bringing my big family of six to the party and decided to go lizard hunting prior to the party. We managed to corner that big lizard which scared the babies the other day and drag it along to the party. Unfortunately, it is too big for us to drag to the party and we required some assistance. Anybody is free to help us? KARLBBQ On the other hand, Princess will be celebrating her 17th Birthday. This is a very respectable age for such a beautiful Lady Cat. R will be celebrating the day with cakes and yummy bites. Can I have some too for my Daddy? Hehe… Well, let’s hope everything goes well for the family of Miral, who has gone over the rainbow bridge few days back. Don’t forget to send over your comforts.


  1. Oh, all you wonderful J’s, I can’t believe we’re just now meeting you! I can tell you’re lots of fun and my whole houseful is looking forward to being friends!

    CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
    & the entire cat staff

  2. You are very brave to drag along that huge lizard! I am a strong lizard hunter, but I am a little bit scairt of that big one.

  3. We’s also gonna pass on helping wif dat BIG lizard – we are scared just looking at the picture of it.

    Mindy & Moe

  4. That is a hugh one! It will sure make a spectacular entrance. See you at the party!

    We will have a one minute remembrance for Miral. Her whole family is going to be there and she will be there in spirit.

    We, The Mariachi Kitty Dancers, will be providing the supporting act to the Los Gatos.

  5. Don’t be shy to bring your family of 6, as Karl’s fiance I am bringing 8 cats and 2 dogs to party!

    Thank you sooo much for remembering my sister Miral. The staff is having more difficulties with her passing than we cats, so we are helping our staff with our loss, she will always be in our hearts, but life and party goes on… she and other furriends at the Rainbow Bridge would insist on that.


  6. Oh my gosh – guys! How fabulous of you to do such a great invitation for us!!!!! You rock!
    I’ll help with that big lizard!!! Maybe if we eat a bit right now it will be easier to transport, hahahahahahahahahahaha!
    The party will start any moment now – I’ll see you there!!!! ALL OF YOU!

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