After seeing that weird looking spider in the garden, the babies pestered me to show them more on this unique creature. Well, I do not have any National Geographic DVDs around the house. In the end, I showed them Marvel’s Spiderman the Movie. Every single of my brats were so engrossed in the movie that no matter what I did to get their eyes off the TV, they would just ignore me. There was so much violence in the movie. You will see Spiderman battling against the many villains all the time, sometimes you even get blood scenes. At least I was happy to see the brats out of their usual mischievous activities for once. But there was a saying that not all happiness will last for a long time if a person do not know how to discipline himself well. How true it is after the movie. Somehow, Justin started the whole crazy affair by impersonating Spiderman. He looked just like the photo below. Haiz~~
As you know, once a kitten started a play, the rest will follow suit. I was surprised to see Janice becoming a “crawler” in a matter of seconds. Gosh! Why can’t she behave like a lady? What now? Spiderwoman? She’s barely 3 months old. How could she be a woman? 😛
Hmmm… I was just sitting there studying their every move. Wow! It was a really violence show with Jayson crying out foul play all the time. It is really unfair too for two to attack one, unarmed some more!
Haha… This is what I was waiting for after all their impersonations. If not, I would have gone crazy seeing them scrambling in and out, up and down the whole house recklessly, knocking down all my furniture without realizing it. Kids… errr… Kits should never watch violence movies! It is dangerous if not under proper supervisions. 😛
Those are some mighty cute furry Superheroes!
I wanted to stop by and tell you
how nice Irish coda’s new header
looks! I hear you are the designer.
You are indeed a super hero for
making the header for her. Say
hello to all of your “Spidercats”,
This is another “super man” of an
idea! LOL
I am so so proud to know you all, next time when I get in trouble, I will call you to safe me~~ (blushing~~)
It is true, cats make wonderful Superheros! We think Janice is especially good at it.